InnoSchool - February Updates


The new year brings exciting news for the InnoSchool project. Here are some of the most important updates for the month of February:

1.The Open call for pilot

On the 1st of February a new open call for pilot was launched with the specific aim to openly promote the chance of all territorial secondary schools to take part in the InnoSchool Learning System (ILS) Pilot. Between the 1st of February and the 30th of April, the open call will be opened. For more information please visit our website.

2. Release of the First Demo of the Serious Game 

The month of February brings a new and exciting news, the first demo of the Serious Game was just released on the 12th of February. All the project partners are currently testing and reviewing the game, in preparation for the next step of the project and the piloting.

3. The 3rd Project and Steering Committee Meeting for the InnoSchool Project

Between the 19 and 20 of February in Belgrade, Serbia, will take place the 3rd Project and Steering Committee Meeting for the InnoSchool Project.
During this meeting, all the representatives of the project partners will discuss and present:
• the Final version of the InnoSchool Learning System concept
• the First Demo of the Serious Game
• the current state of the second Open call for pilot
• the preparation for 1st territorial InnoSchool Days seminars and the new social media campaign.
We will keep you posted on the outcome of this meeting and other relevant news that will result from it.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)