ART NOUVEAU - Training on urban planning organized within the Art Nouveau project


Museum of Arts and Crafts (Zagreb, Croatia) and three co-hosting organizations from Croatia and Slovenia organized a three-day training and workshops on urban planning with special emphasis on Art Nouveau heritage in an urban setting.

Museum of Arts and Crafts organized the training on urbanism from 14th to 16th November 2018 in Osijek, one of the most prominent Croatian cities when it comes to Art Nouveau. The event and trainings were co-hosted by Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, from Ljubljana, Slovenia; Museum of Slavonia and Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture both from Osijek, Croatia.

On the first day, a series of project presentations and lectures were held at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture. Experts in their respective fields covered a plethora of urbanism-related topics such as Holistic approach for incorporating Art Nouveau heritage into urban planning; Evaluation of alternatives and implementation instruments; Art Nouveau heritage in urban planning using innovative HBA and HBIM approach; Art Nouveau heritage in urban planning from Danube region. On the following day the participants were engaged in a more practical and hands-on activities. Firstly, the host institutions organized a guided tour through the European Avenue and presented methods and techniques of urban planning. During the interactive workshops which followed, the participants worked on their own project assignments - proposed revitalization of the European Avenue which was concluded with an in-depth analysis and discussion.


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)