DRIM - DRIM at the Bled Strategic Forum


We are happy to announce that DRIM project was presented at the Bled Strategic Forum in Ljubljana on the 1st of September 2019 within the section "Providing accessible information for diverse populations".

In the session, Martina Bofulin, manager of the DRIM project, highlighted the importance of access to information for the enforcement of basic human rights and for the inclusion of various vulnerable groups. This includes migrants, who typically face much greater challenges in getting the right information than locals do. She outlineed the efforts of the partnership of 18 partners across 8 countries, which set out to create the first transnational information platform for migrants living in the countries of the upper Danube region – danubecompass.org. In the following part, the interactive workshop led by Markland Starkie, from UK Government Digital Services, underlineed why content design is key to the success of digital products and services. Participants  exploreed the principles of content design developed on GOV.UK, the UK government’s central website, and how to put these principles into practice.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)