
We wrap up the publishing of our desk research results that focus on revealing interesting trends, regulations and other schools’ realities on entrepreneurship curricula and educational programs, with Austria, and more specific, Vienna Region.

Entrepreneurial education

Austria’ strategy refers to the recommendation of the European Parliament and the Council on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning including a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship as one of eight key competences. The Federal Ministry of Education pursues the goal to implement Entrepreneurship Education at all levels of education and to integrate it into the curricula.

Entrepreneurship is often not explicitly included in the curricula. But following a cross-curricula approach, the skills and learning objectives associated with this key competence are present in the curricula, so there are many points of contact. The Vienna Board of Education supports the integration of entrepreneurship key competences in local schools.

Introducing a new learning system to existing curricula

The Federal Ministry of Education is responsible for the development of curricula. The learning outcomes are defined but not the learning methods, so every teacher has the freedom of choice regarding the teaching and learning methods used in the lessons but is bound by the direction of the own school principal.

For the new learning methods to be added to curricula of secondary schools, they must convince the teachers! The school principal must agree to the use of a new learning method. In Vienna, the local education authority has a strong interest in supporting new learning methods that promote key competencies such as entrepreneurship. In 2019, school autonomy will be strengthened: the decision-making capacity of school leaders will continue to increase.

Existing entrepreneurship programs & initiatives

In the recent years, there has been a steady increase in Entrepreneurial Education initiatives:

  •  Entrepreneurship Summit
  • Competitions as "Next Generation" or "Jugend innovativ"
  • Entrepreneurship certification for schools
  • Workshops and in-service trainings for teachers
  • "Changemaker programm"
  • "Youth Start Entrepreneurial Challenges Programme"
  • Playpark
  • Brunch Club

There is always the need for innovation, so we feel that the InnoSchool initiative and the online element will contribute to the better internalization of entrepreneurial skills and compliment the ongoing programs that have the same goals.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)