InnoSchool - Educational mapping in Serbia


This article is dedicated to the Serbian results in educational mapping and discusses the entrepreneurial education programs and initiatives.

Entrepreneurial education

Since 2018 entrepreneurship is a part of Elementary schools’ curricula in Serbia, as Technics and Technology (with entrepreneurship). It is also part of some Professional/Vocational Secondary Schools. Some courses have obligatory Entrepreneurship, while others do not. In Gymnasiums, it is one of the elective courses, under the name Economy and business.

Introducing a new learning system to existing curricula

The Institute for Improvement of Education suggests improvements of the curricula to the Ministry of Science, Education and Technological Development. The ministry decides on the curricula, and if they agree, then the curricula is updated. The new learning system would then be a part of Module for education, within the curricula. However, it is possible that schools individually decide if they want to introduce "optional" methods in the courses, but they are then limited to those schools.

Existing entrepreneurship programs & initiatives

One existing entrepreneurship program is "Preduzetničke škole", joint action by MPN and Univerexport Foundation (Entrepreneurship schools). The program uses real-life practice, case studies, practical work and activities and mentoring of student groups to teach entrepreneurship.

We feel that a program that integrates more characteristics is needed for high school students, especially due to that fact that none of the existing ones have the online element that the InnoSchool innovative project has.



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)