Danube Energy+ - Participation in the final event and award ceremony of the EXCELLENCE-IN-RESTI project


Croatian partner Optimizacija of Danube Energy+ participated in the final event of the Danube Transnational Programme EXCELLENCE-IN-RESTI project of Thematic Pole 3. Excellence-in-ReSTI deals with innovative blended learning systems for young project managers and early-stage graduates – teaching them how to be more successful in designing and managing R&D projects.

A panel discussion was organized between leaders of different Danube Transnational projects of Thematic Pole 3. Optimizacija participated in the discussion, sharing experience from Danube Energy+.  As managers who worked on innovative learning solutions, the participants shared knowledge, challenges and lessons learnt with regards to the structure and development of educational programmes, including:

  • What topic did our educational programme cover?
  • How was our educational programme delivered?
  • How were our target groups defined?
  • How were our target groups involved in the educational programme?

Furthermore, the potential for synergies was explored, including regarding the use of the methodologies developed through Danube Energy+, as well as potential for future cooperation with other projects while developing our Energy + Tool.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)