DA-SPACE - kick-off and conference


Twelve partners from the Danube region kicked off the DA-SPACE project on March 16 and 17 in Prague, Czech Republic. The project shall introduce advanced innovation framework via its Open Innovation Labs in the Danube region for individual innovators, students, researchers and young entrepreneurs to help them change their ideas into real innovations.

Czech Technical University in Prague hosted also the DA-SPACE conference at the premises of the National Library of Technology in Prague with the total number of 87 participants from 7 Danube countries. The participants had a chance to discuss the project´s objectives and their own ideas with respectable guests, representatives of ministries, universities, industrial partners, innovation centres, incubators, young innovators, and students.

The most inspiring was a panel discussion. The participants learnt about the experience with the execution of romising ideas from two start-ups, a talent development specialist, an innovation programme manager, and an early stage business investor and entrepreneur. A successful start-up emerged from t

he CTU´s incubator InQbay presented its product, an outdoor heater.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)