INDEED - JUNE 13-14, 2019 │Bulgaria│National Conference on Neurology


At the Bulgarian National Conference on Neurology on June 13-14 2019, neurologists met up in Sofia to discuss current developments in neurology with a special focus on Bulgaria. Experts from other countries such as Germany joined the event and gave insights into the diagnosis and treatment of various neurological disorders. Professor Alexander Kurz who is the project coordinator to the INDEED project presented INDEED to the medical audience.

Moreover, the event provided an excellent platform for laying the groundwork of INDEED’s pilot actions which will be hosted in Bulgaria in 2020: Together with project partners from the Bulgarian Society of Dementia and colleagues of the Department of Neurology, Alexandrovska Hospital, possible dates and locations for the Bulgarian pilot actions were elaborated: Pilot workshops might be hosted in the cities of Sofia, Ruse, Veliko Tarnovo or Pomorje. Furthermore, the group identified four key topics that might serve as a focus at INDEED’s Bulgarian workshops: the role of a dementia coordinator, the role of networking tools for different professions, early detection of dementia and ways for ensuring follow-up visits after the diagnosis.

Shima Mehrabian and Margarita Raycheva from the Bulgarian Society of Dementia welcoming the audience

On June 14, a roundtable on the Bulgarian pilot actions was organised in conjunction with the neurological conference. Dementia experts from different regions of Bulgaria joint this event and expressed their interest in collaborating with INDEED in the framework of the pilot actions.

Breakout session preparing the INDEED pilot actions in Bulgaria

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)