DAPhNE - Project progress in the first three month


In line with the approved application form, the DAPhNE partners started working on the planned tasks as follows:

1. Project Management (Contact person: Raluca Danila/PDI: danila@prodanube.eu)

A series of meetings were organized in order to clarify issues related to the distribution of tasks, internal deadlines and next steps for 2017. The 1st Consortium Meeting took place in Budapest/HU on 21st February 2017. There were 47 representatives of the project partners attending the event. The 1st work package leader (WPL) meeting was organized the same day in the afternoon. The topics discussed were related to a revision of the project calendar, next meeting date and templates to be elaborated.

Some of the DAPhNE partners (AT, HR, RO) also attended national events organized by the Managing Authority of the Danube Transnational Program (DTP) in order to clarify issues dealing with the validation of costs and the reporting rules applicable at programme level.

2. Communication Activities (Contact Person: Monika Thury/HFIP: popeiproject@gmail.com & Ruxandra Florescu/PDI: florescu@prodanube.eu)

In line with the visual identity guidelines, the partners have prepared the project template documents and have posted information online at: dtp.interreg-danube.eu/daphne. Promotional materials (posters, roll-ups, folders) have also been made to further inform about the project.

On 22 March 2017, the Bulgarian Partner BPICo presented the DAPhNE project as part of the Kick-off event of the DBS Gateway Region project funded in the framework of the Danube Transnational Programme. The event took place in Sofia/BG.

On 30 March 2017, Capt. Szalma Béla, president of HFIP introduced the DAPhNE project at “HajózásVilág” Conference to more than 80 stakeholders from the Hungarian Danube Port Community. The event was held in Budapest/HU.

3. Port Legislation & Funding (Contact Person: Luminita Meterna/APDM: marketing@apdmgalati.ro)

The project partners have started working on creating national databases for experts in the field of port legislation and public funding. For suggestions regarding relevant entities in the Danube region, please get in touch with the indicated contact person.

4. Administration & Management (Contact Person: Vasil Hadzhiev/BPICo: v.hadzhiev@bgports.bg)

The partners have started preparing a draft survey designed to collect information from port users in regards to the procedures applied by port authorities/administrations that have to be simplified. In parallel preparations are made to collect data regarding the status-quo of human resources development for the port sector in the Danube region.

5. Port Development (Contact Person: Karin Kainzinger/EHOO: k.kainzinger@ennshafen.at)

To help develop a Port IT Community System applicable to Danube Ports, the DAPhNE partners will rely on the experience of maritime ports from the Rhine Region. Consequently, a study visit to in Antwerp/BE is foreseen to get familiarized with the IT System applied in that area. The partners are making the necessary arrangements to prepare the study visit and collect the technical data needed.

6. Port Strategy & Network (Contact Person: Silviu Meterna/PDR: meterna@prodanube.ro)

The tasks carried out in this section are designed to set-up the Danube Ports Network and to elaborate the Danube Ports Development Strategy and its accompanying Action Plan. To help promote the network a series of events will be implemented at consortium level to facilitate networking possibilities within the port community and also to help consolidate the market visibility of its members. The partners are working on the organization of two high awareness events, namely the Danube Ports Info Day scheduled for May 2017 in Munich/DE and the Danube Ports Policy Day planned for October 2017 in Budapest/HU.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)