D2C - Monitoring of animal mortality to identify barriers


An important part of identifying of ecological barriers is the monitoring of animal mortality on the roads and on windfarms. Thus, it is a pilot action of the Dare to Connect project in the Iron Gates Natural Park in Romania. Activities are related to mapping and analysis  of ecological barriers (project deliverables D.4.1.4 and D. 4.1.5) and are very important for improving fauna conservation statute (herpetofauna, avifauna and batfauna) in the Danube corridor.

The park staff monitors 14 transects along the Danube river, every 1 kilometer. Various signs of environnent are represented – the surroundings of settlements and tourist sites, as well as wilderness zones. The frequency of monitoring carried out by experts and students of the Science Faculty from Oradea, is every month until March 2021.

So far, most of observed roadkills are the herpetofauna group. However also invertebrates were present.

In total, 22 wind turbines in Coronini - Moldova Noua are also monitored. Periodicity of minitoring visits are depends on the fauna‘s activity – from March to October in March it is every week, in the rest of the year only once in a month. Up to now killed birds such as skilark and cuckoo were mostly found and recently also killed bats appeared.

Both activities will result in studies suggesting concrete measures to reduce the impact of physical barriers.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)