CultPlatForm_21 - Please register! Final Conference, 22 – 24 May 2019, Regensburg, Germany


Visible Danube: Hidden Heritage as Future Potential in Culture and Tourism

22 – 24 May 2019, Regensburg, Germany

The final transnational event in Regensburg will enhance the EU-wide visibility of the CultPlatForm_21 project by engaging external and internal experts in knowledge transfer, by fostering networking and information exchange among the partners and by including key stakeholders like national policy makers, operators, scientists and artists in an empowering exchange. Several outstanding speakers from all over Europe – among them Stefano Dominioni (Executive Secretary of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, Directorate General on Democracy, LU) and Nigel Mills (Hadrian’s Wall Heritage, UK) – will enrich the European cultural dialogue.

Alexandru Raevschi, Moldova, Invasion of Interpretations, 2018 / Notburga Karl, Germany, Parabelle, 2018 / Alena Foustková, Czech Republic, The Cell: Sound of Silence, 2018
© City of Regensburg, Photo: Stefan Effenhauser

The Regensburg conference aims at presenting the Danube region as an innovative space for culture and tourism able to bridge its chequered history with the perspectives and opportunities of the future. Besides addressing strategic issues of the CultPlatForm_21 project such as fostering culture in the Danube Region by an expansion of cultural routes, an exploration of visible and invisible cultural heritage, this international meeting will be a forum for the multifarious results of two and a half years of systematic regional cooperation work. Moreover, this will be the first time to present the future perspectives of the project.

The event is dedicated to the outcomes and the future orientated strategies of the CultPlatForm_21 project. In multimedia presentations and panel sections, partners will showcase their pilot projects providing a series of exciting artistic and digital interventions uncovering hidden heritage places, stories and objects along the Danube.

© Regensburg Tourismus GmbH                                                                                                                      © Clemens Mayer

Transferable results for the benefit of culture and tourism development in the Danube countries are of high relevance for the CultPlatForm_21 project. In this sense important project results will be introduced such as a multimedia presentation of the pilot projects, a comprehensive Project Documentation including two strategies for cultural routes in the Danube area and a model for a future Small Project Fund for the Danube region. As a closing act of CultPlatForm_21, the official Memorandum will be signed leading to the final statements on the follow-up plans for the upcoming years.

You will be enchanted by the Thon-Dittmer-Palais‘ Italian feel where the conference will take place. The event will be hosted and organised by the City of Regensburg and the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg.


For more information, please write at:



The participation is free of charge. Please register at:


Looking forward to meeting you in Regensburg!


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)