D-STIR - The scientific researchers of ELI-ALPS attended the science marketing training in Szeged


The scientific researchers of ELI-ALPS had the opportunity to attend the science marketing training in Szeged, where they got familiar with the marketing principles for scientists. The biggest added value of the training was that they could learn how to build a strong personal-brand and the business value of their skills and resources. 

During the training, we successfully implemented socio-technical integration (STIR) and we've reached the change of their mindset, so they became aware of the fact that the more factors they take into account during their scientific thinking, the more successful they become. They realised that from a marketing point of view, the results of basic research have the same value as any other tangible products that people can buy, thus it can also be supported by marketing tools. 

Now, we are collecting the feedback of the participants and evaluate it to fine-tune the training material. ​

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)