D2C - Presentation of the project to the Šumava national park administration


The national park administration is always a key partner in projects of nature protection. That is why Eva Volfova and Klara Tydlitatova from the D2C project partner Ametyst (Czech republic) presented the DaRe to Connect project to employees of the Šumava National Park in Horská Kvilda (Czech republic) on 4th April 2019. The presentation was part of annual training of lectors of environmental education and employees of information centers of the park. Eva introducted European Green Belt and its importance for nature and culture. The participants shared the importance of Greenbelt as a part of our history, which is to be explained especially to young people. Klara presented the main aims of the D2C project and involvment of the Ametyst NGO. Participants also walked along the Hamerský brook with practical examples how to incorporate the European Green Belt topic to the environmental education programmes for kids. The participant joined the activities and games very enthusiasticly.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)