3Smart - technical and regulatory findings presented to national energy regulators at the Energy Regulators Regional Association (ERRA) workshop


On the 16 April 2019 the 3Smart team consisting Zsuzsanna Czeko and Gabor Peter from partner EON Tiszantuli Aramhalozati Zrt and Mario Vašak from University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (3Smart Lead partner) presented the technical and regulatory findings to representatives of national energy regulators, members of the Licensing/Competition Committee of the Energy Regulators Regional Association (ERRA), at the Committee two-days meeting in Skopje, North Macedonia (15-16 April 2019). 3Smart was given a full attention with a time-slot of 1,5 hour to be able to thoroughly pass through both technical and regulatory findings and to be able to discuss them with the regulators from the Danube region and beyond. For the 3Smart team it was an excting event where we were able to  confirm we are heading the flexibility of consumers in the right direction as well as pointing key regulatory issues that need to be addressed in the coming time. The presentation can be found here and some photos from the event can be found in the gallery.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)