Amazon of Europe Bike Trail - Meet the Project Partners - Tourism board of Međimurje County (Croatia)
In the northernmost part of Croatia, between the Drava and Mura, with green hills and rich plains, there is a little place called Medjimurje. Both simple and splendid, its uniqueness has always amazed people and it proudly bears the name of „Cvjetnjak Hrvatske” (Croatia’s flower garden). Two natural-geographical elements can be distinguished clearly in Medjimurje: hilly upper and plain lower Međimurje which both create its diverse and beautiful scenery.
This year marks 20 years since establishment of the Tourism board of Međimurje county. During the past 10 years TZMŽ has successfully implemented several EU Border Pass project (both IPA HU-HR and IPA SI-HR projects). The biggest EU projects so far: Mura Drava bike IPA SI-HR 2007-2013 (2009-2012) EUR 1,799,000, Cycle in a network of IPA HU-HR 2007-2013 (2012-2013), EUR 1.999.000.
The new restored building of Tourism board of the Međimurje county, a visitor center, and soon a modern stop for cyclotourists was opened last year. Within the Attractour project the center has been transformed into the center of traditional culture and tourism.
Tourism board of Međimurje County works on:
- promotion of a tourist destination in the country and abroad,
- enrichment of the overall tourist offer of the region and creation of new tourist destination products, especially in selective forms of tourism (rural, cultural, health tourism etc.),
- management of public tourist infrastructure,
- promotion of all existing resources and potential and tourist supply of the region,
- participation in defining objectives and tourism development policy at the level of the County,
- and performing informative activities related to the tourist offer of the region.
TZMZ has expertise in: marketing and management of tourist destination, creation and development of new tourism products, administrative and financial management in the implementation of tourism projects funded from EU sources.
The team:
Top attractions in Međimurje:
- Sveti Martin Thermal resort
- Međimurje wine road
- Regional Park Mura Drava
Cyclist Welcome Quality:
With the aim of positioning the Međimurje county as a cyclotouristic destination of high quality services, and based on insights into good practice examples of developed European cyclotouristic destinations (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, UK, Netherlands, Denmark ...), quality standards were developed: Cyclist Welcome Quality (CWQ ) - relating to the three basic groups of tourist service providers:
- Facilities offering accommodation Services (and food)
- Facilities offering catering services for food and beverages
- Tourist Information Centers
To achieve synergic quantitative and qualitative promotional and ultimately economic effects, the Tourism bord of Međimurje county will involve all participants who accept CWQ standards into an integral system called Cyclist Welcome Network.
To find out more about the Međimurje region, cycling tourism and other tourism attractions, visit their official website: