Danube Energy+ - Regional Networking Thursday held by the Ukrainian Partner


The Ukrainian partner of the project European Initiatives Centre had their Networking Thursday Meeting on 17.01.2019, in Uzhhorod, Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine, within the 5th Regional Forum of local self-governments and NGOs “Zakarpattia at the new stage of decentralization and regional mappings of reforms in Ukraine: 2019 – 2020”

Natalia Nosa-Pylypenko, project manager and chairperson of the European Initiatives Centre, presented the project and informed all participants that on December 26th, 2018, the Regional Alliance was created, which included representatives of the Zakarpattia Branch of Association of the cities of Ukraine, related departments of the Zakarpattia Regional State Administration, Uzhhorod City Council, Uzhhorod National University, State Ecological Inspection in Zakarpattia region,  representatives of public associations and industry professionals institutions, agencies of regional development, as well as representatives of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs).

Oleh Luksha, expert of the project, informed about the role of authorities and local self-government, state institutions and research institutions in the development and implementation of innovations in the field of energy efficiency.  Besides, the main articles of the Regional Map and Supporting Tools were presented, promotional materials were distributed.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)