DriDanube - National drought seminars


DriDanube partners are organizing a series of national drought seminars these days in all 10 partnering countries.

The seminars are the concluding point of a very active cooperation with national stakeholders within 2 years of the project implementation. The aim is to exchange opinions, feedback and suggestions for improvements on DriDanube outputs, which are in its final stage of development:

  • drought monitoring tool Drought Watch (previously known as Drought User Service) 
  • unified methodologies for drought impacts collection and drought risk assessment 
  • Strategy which will support proactive drought management in the region 

There will be special focus on how partners and stakeholders can support together integration of the results into their daily operational work and how to assure sustainability of a 2,5-year long effort. The purpose is to bring together a wide range of national stakeholders, to present the results of the project, to show and discuss with them how the newly developed tools can be used and how they can benefit from the newly acquired information and processes. Partners are also interested to find out if drought management in their countries and in the Danube region has made any progress since the project’s initial seminars and how DriDanube project has contributed to it. The inputs from these national discussions will be integrated into the project results and presented at the project‘s Final conference in Vienna on 7-8 May 2019. 

National seminars will take place on these days:

19 March 2019, Bratislava, Slovakia - Agenda
19 March 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia - Agenda
2 April 2019, Zagreb, Croatia – Agenda
2 April 2019, Bucharest, Romania - Agenda
3 April 2019, Vienna, Austria – Agenda
11 April 2019, Trebinje, Bosnia & Herzegovina
15 April 2019, Budapest, Hungary - Agenda
16 April 2019, Belgrade, Serbia - Agenda
25 April 2019, Brno, Czech Republic 

DriDanube partners believe that combating drought is achievable through proactive problem solving, strong community involvement and co-operation at all levels. They believe that the project results will help all stakeholders involved in drought management to become more efficient during drought emergency response and prepare better for the next drought.  


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)