ATTRACTIVE DANUBE - The First Transnational Stakeholder Workshop


The 1st Transnational Stakeholder Workshop (TSW) has been held in Belgrade, Serbia in the period 13 – 14 February, 2019, in Hotel “Envoy“. There were 26 stakeholders from 12 institutions from Austria, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia. Main topics of the workshop were: sharing knowledge about the project, which is aimed at supporting evidence-based decision-making and improving multi-level governance in the Danube region; introduction to Common and National as well as Transnational Platforms for Monitoring Territorial Attractiveness; exploration of the needs of stakeholders concerning usability of the platforms, the ways of their integration into territorial development policies with the main focus on improved governance and collection of inputs for policy recommendations and capitalization action plan, proposing future activities and further cooperation of the established networks.

During the first part of the 1st TSW, Attractive Danube project was introduced, followed by presentation about EUSDR PA10 activities and goals, then the presentation was made about the participatory process of national workshops with the example of Czech Republic, sequenced by the summary on the national workshops for establishment of the TAMP’s and the first part was ended with presentation of the CO-TAMP platform. In the second part of the 1st TSW, stakeholders worked in two groups which discussed challenges on development of indicators for new policies and importance of indicators in policy development, implementation and monitoring.


The First Transnational Stakeholder Workshop

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)