ATTRACTIVE DANUBE - The First Transnational Stakeholder Workshop


The forthcoming Transnational stakeholder workshop of Attractive Danube project is taking place in Belgrade, Serbia in the period 13th – 14th February 2019.

Main topics of the workshop are: sharing knowledge about the project, which is aimed at supporting evidence-based decision-making and improving multi-level governance in the Danube region, introduction to Common and National Transnational Platforms for Monitoring Territorial Attractiveness, exploration of the needs of stakeholders concerning usability of the platforms, the ways of its integration into territorial development policies with the main focus on improved governance and collection of inputs for policy recommendations and capitalization action plan, proposing future activities and further cooperation of the established networks.

Venue of this meeting is Hotel “Envoy”. Please register for the hotel accommodation and for additional services (if needed) by using the provided form by the hotel, and send them to hotel no later than 01st February 2019.


Aims of the workshop are:

  • To share the knowledge and tools developed in the Attractive Danube project, which was aimed at supporting evidence-based decision-making and improving multi-level governance in the Danube region.
  • To introduce CO-TAMP – Common Transnational Platform for Monitoring Territorial Attractiveness and common results of national workshops regarding establishment of National Platforms for Monitoring Territorial Attractiveness – TAMP’s to stakeholders.
  • To jointly explore the needs of stakeholders concerning CO-TAMP as well as its usability, the ways of its integration into territorial development policies (policy planning and implementation) at national and trans-national level with the main focus on improved governance.
  • To collect inputs for policy recommendations and capitalisation action plan, proposing future activities which will continue the improvement of multilevel governance contributing to better attractiveness of the Danube Region, and further cooperation of the established networks.


Day 1: Wednesday, 13 February 2019

19.00   Joint dinner (kindly offered by IAUS)

Location to be determined soon

Day 2: Thursday, 14 February 2019

10.00 – 10.10   Welcome note (IAUS)

10.10 - 10.30   Introduction, Attractive Danube project presentation, (Blaž Barborič, GIS)

10.30 - 11.00   EUSDR PA10, activities and goals (Claudia Singer, EUSDR)

11.00 – 11.20   Summary of the national workshops regarding establishment of TAMP’s (IAUS)

11.20 – 11.40   Introduction of the CO-TAMP platform (Blaž Barborič, GIS)

11.40 – 12.00   Coffee break

12.00 – 13.30   Group work – all representatives

The aim if the group work is to collect feedback to the usability of the TAMP and CO-TAMP platforms and propose possible future joint activities which will continue the improvement of multilevel governance contributing to better attractiveness of the Danube Region.

13.30 – 14.00   Conclusion

14.00 – 15.30   Lunch

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)