GRENDEL - SAVE THE DATE: Know-how transfer event on modernisation of Danube fleet


SAVE THE DATE: 7-8 March 2019, in Vienna. Inland shipping is facing enormous challenges with regard to the further optimisation of energy efficiency, environmental and climate protection. Greenhouse Gas Emissions is a very hot topic on the sustainability agenda for the shipping sector and the environmental impact reduction targets set by the Non-Road Mobile Machinery Directive are paving the way for the deployment of innovative technical solutions that will allow vessel operators to comply with this new scenario.

In the view of above the Danube Transnational Programme project GRENDEL “Green and efficient Danube fleet” in cooperation with the INDanube Innovation Transfer Centre aim to bring the innovation to the inland navigation and prepared the “Know-how transfer event on modernisation of Danube fleet".

During this event you will receive information on:

  • Inland vessel modernisation projects and initiatives
  • Non-Road Mobile Machinery Directive (EU) 2018/1628 and challenges for vessel operators
  • Fleet investment plans as basis for the future State Aid schemes in the Danube region
  • Alternative (future-oriented) fuels, propulsion and other innovative systems
  • Diesel-electric hybrid propulsion technologies
  • Gas and gas-hybrid propulsion
  • After-treatment technologies

The technology manufacturers will present their solutions to modernise the inland vessels.




EUSDR PA1a Working Group „Fleet Modernisation“ organises its meeting before the Know-How Transfer event on 7th March 2019 from 10:00-13:00 (both events are held in the same premises). Participants of the Know-how Transfer Event are welcome to join the meeting of this working group to discuss future policy measures needed to green and modernise the Danube fleet. A separate registration for the PA1a Working Group meeting is needed under:

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)