CHESTNUT - Pannon Business Network Association presented SUMP in Sárvár FUA


Pannon Business Network Association (PP8) with the help of the Municipality of Sárvár organised the local seminar of the presentation of Sárvár FUA Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan with the participation of relevant local stakeholders on 5th December 2018 in the City Hall of Sárvár.

Some participants of the SUMP presentation seminar with project leaflet

The aim of the seminar was to present and discuss the results and outcomes of the Sárvár FUA SUMP drafting, prepared in the framework of the WP4 of the CHESTNUT project.

Among the participants, there were leader representatives of Sárvár Municipality, namely the mayor and the vice mayor of Sárvár took part in the event. Besides them, two representatives came from the regional public authority field, the leader of the Bureau of Sárvár FUA, and the vice president of Vas County Authority.

Representatives of the transport field were also invited, the regional director  of the State Railways, one leader from the bus transport providing company (ÉNYKK), one mobility expert from the Vas County Road Maintenance Company, two employees from the Transport Management Agency of Western Hungary, and the managing director of Sárvár Tourist Company also took part in the event. From PBN side one mobility expert and two project managers participated on the event.

Mihály Lados (PBN mobility expert) is presenting the process of SUMP drafting

In the first half of the meeting, Martin Dan and Mihály Lados (project manager and mobility expert of CHESTNUT) presented the general idea of the Chestnut project, and the already achieved outputs. They emphasised the Sárvár FUA related sections, especially the mobility scenarios.

The panel discussion was moderated by Tivadar Máhr (Vice Mayor of Sárvár), and every participant expressed their appreciation with the preparation of Sárvár FUA SUMP and all of them provided feedback which are summarized below.

Mihály Lados (PBN mobility expert) is presenting the overarching goals and priorities of Sárvár FUA

They proposed some measures which may contribute to sustainable mobility:

  • establishment of K+R (Kiss+Ride) system mainly in Sárvár,
  • mind change towards to parents, in favour of the preference of sustainable mobility modes instead of private car usage
  • they were supporting the initiation of a kind of school-bus program as well, which may be used be students, who live in a hinterland municipality and attend to one of Sárvár’s school. 
  • introduction of parking fee in Sárvár (which is currently totally free of charge)
  • building of new roundabouts in the FUA (but its purchase has to be thought over to be beneficial)

All in all, we had a very fruitful consultation, the stakeholders appreciated the invitation to the seminar and they recommended some very useful proposals for the improvement of the current state of the SUMP, and they expressed their support in future work as well.

István Kondora (Mayor of Sárvár) is proposing a sustainable mobility measure

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)