Danube STREAM - Expert Exchange Meeting on Environmentally Sound Waterway Management


Expert Exchange Meeting on Environmentally Sound Waterway Management


On 12th September 2018, the first Danube STREAM expert exchange meeting on environmentally sound waterway management took place in Vienna. This meeting among Danube STREAM consortium members enabled an open discussion about good practices in waterway maintenance, contracting of maintenance services and environmental assessments.

The Austrian Lead Partner viadonau and Plovput from Serbia reported alternatives on harmonization and consolidation of strategic waterway management principles. They discussed the topics of fairway continuity, proactive waterway maintenance, hydromorphological characterisation of critical locations and more.





The Romanian AFDJ Galati and the Bulgarian EAEMDR, presented their experiences concerning the setup of proper agreements and contracts for maintenance services, the minimum conditions to be met, how to keep tender rules up-to-date, etc.

Viadonau and AFDJ Galati also contributed inputs on attaining environmental permits for waterway projects in the most efficient and effective way. Furthermore, models for stakeholder involvement were illustrated.

The presentations and lively discussions in this meeting provided key input to the Danube STREAM report on environmentally sound waterway management which will be released end 2018.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)