D-STIR - Workshop on Capitalisation DTP TP2 + PA7 in Bratislava


The Thematic Pole 2 has incorporated the capitalisation methodology devised by the DTP, and the process has already been kicked off by organizing the Danube Region Synergy Workshop “Research – Innovation – Knowledge Society” held in Vienna on 30 March 2017.

In July Thematic pole 2 gathered again in Bratislava. D-STIR representative at the meeting was Martin Haranta, from Cassovia Life Science. HE presented STIR methodology, RRI strategy for Danube Region, STIR method and certificate and Pilot Activities carried out in Academia and Business sphere. 

All represented projects commited to increase visibility of projects (Produce a common brochure and distribute it at EUSDR Annual Forum), make a short video for promotion and to gather again in November in Belgrade.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)