EcoInn Danube - INVITATION - KICK-OFF EVENT 15.02.2017 Bratislava
The EcoInn Danube project consortium is pleased to invite you to the EcoInn Danube KICK OFF EVENT
„Innovative ecotechnologies for a greener Europe“ which will be organized in Bratislava on 15 February 2017.
The Kick off event will be open to public.
Aim of the event will be to present and discuss the importance of ecoinnovation and research, development and innovation in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency.
Two internationally successful Slovak companies will inform about their ecoinnovative solutions.
The afternoon part will be dedicated to introduction of the project EcoInn Danube, it´s mission and aims and to project workpackages presented by WP leaders.
The registration is required.
Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (Centrum vedecko-technických informácií SR)
Lamačská cesta 8/A
811 04 Bratislava
Slovak Republic