EcoInn Danube - Backup of plastic coffee cups
In Olomouc city as a first place in Czech Republic started on 30th July 2018 project focused on backup of plastic coffee cups. The aim is to replace plastic non-recyclable cups into special recyclable packages that are returnable in various shopping places. In Olomouc city with 100 000 inhabitants is monthly consumed 6000 - 8000 pieces of plastic coffee cups. It is alarming number. From the beginning of the project called “Lend a cups” are involved three coffee rooms and with lot of coffee and shopping markets with fast refreshment is negotiated about conditions of their connection to the project.
Customer orders a coffee to recyclable packages that cost 50,- CZE. The advance is returned to customer when he finished drinking coffee. This system is very famous on various Czech festivals but it hasn´t been used in common use.
Inspiration has been found in Germany where similar system have been in operation for several years. There is called “Cup For Cup”.
The Olomouc initiators are now planning to cover the whole city with this system and then the whole Czech Republic. "We are open to all and we believe that the other caffee will join to us”, said the project manager Mr. Havranek.
More information you can find at