Danube S3 Cluster - SMRDA, at the first Communication Training in Split, Croatia


On July 19th, the Communication Manager of Danube S3 Cluster project, whose Lead Partner is SMRDA, attended the Communication Training organised in Split, Croatia, by the Joint Secretary of the Danube Transnational Programme for the Communication Managers of the projects financed under the 2nd call of proposals of the DTP.

The training session has as objective, informing the Communication Managers regarding the following topics: the importance of good project communication and Kick-off events, the mandatory visual requirements, DTP Project Communication Plan, DTP Project webpages in the DTP website, good practices from 1st call projects and Social media for projects.

The main objective of Danube S3 Cluster is to leverage the innovation-driven entrepreneurial ecosystem in the Danube Programme area by developing cluster policies in the context of RIS 3, enhance innovation management knowledge and skills and foster transnational cluster cooperation in Agro-Food.

This project is implemented in the period 2 July 2018 – 30 June 2021. The total budget of this project is 1.790.445,70 euro, out of which 194.170,40 euro is the budget of South Muntenia Regional Development Agency. South Muntenia RDA’s contribution is 2%, representing 3.883,40 euro.

The project consortium is composed of 15 partners and 5 associated strategic partners. The partners are: South Muntenia Regional Development Agency – project leader, STEINBEIS – Germany, Pannon Business Association – Hungary, Maribor University – Slovenia, CRIMM – Romania, EKO-SUSTAV – Waste Management (EKO-SUSTAV Ltd) – Croatia, Bioeconomy Cluster – Slovacia, IFKA Institutio of Public Law non-profit towards the development of the industry - Hungary, Supporting Centre for SMEs– RUSE, Bulgary, INMA Bucharest, Romania, ITC – Innovation Technology Cluster Murska Sobota – Slovenia, the Faculty of Technical Sciences – Serbia, the Development Association NERDA – Bosnia and Herzegovina, Technology Transfer Network – Chisinau, Moldova, The Institute for Market Research, Environmental and Economic Problems – Ukraine. The Associated Strategic Partners are: the Ministry of Economy – Romania, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, GREENLINE Western Balkans Cluster Foundation – Bosnia and Herzegovina, National Technical University - 'Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute' - Ukraine and the Ministry for Economy, Entrepreneurship and Commerce – Croatia.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)