ACCELERATOR - DEXIC Accelerator - the pilot program in the Czech Republic


In the Czech Republic, 12 promising ICT startup teams took part altogether in 2 acceleration schemes organized by DEX Innovation Centre – DEXIC BootCamp (3-day intensive acceleration programme) organized in March 2018, and DEXIC Accelerator (4-week acceleration programme) organized in May-June 2018. More than 25 mentors helped participating startups from segments such as ICT security, smart health, smart city, project management, social networks, recording & transcription in different fields of their business – business models, strategy, product development, marketing and sales, intellectual property, law, expansion to other countries, finance, investors relations and presentation skills. Both acceleration schemes ended up by final public events – Grand Finale and #DEMODAY bringing together more than 50 participants each time from investors, ecosystem actors, stakeholders, mentors, other startups and general public. 

For more information about both schemes, please visit and 

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)