ACCELERATOR - ICOrelator - the pilot program of Slovenia


ICOrelator, an accelerator program for future ICO campaigns, set place in Ljubljana and accepted 10 teams. Slovenia is a leading nation regarding blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies and initial coin offerings (ICOs). Therefore, we managed to include some of the brightest and experienced mentors to join our program and share a light on the turbulent industry. The program offered very specific talks and workshops but was mainly based on 1:1 mentorships. ICO campaign has become an extremely difficult way of raising money and demands a very broad specter of knowledge in the startup team - entrepreneurship, marketing & PR, law & taxes, project management, blockchain development etc. Our team of mentors was formed based on those needs so that accepted teams could get a broader sense of understanding the scope of these kinds of projects. It was very insightful for them and we are glad to say that at least 3 teams are going to start their own ICO, 4-5 of them have potential but need to work harder and build a stronger team, while 2-3 teams were very poorly prepared and will not continue with their projects - the latter is also considered a big success as ICOrelator had saved them precious time and resources.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)