ACCELERATOR - Business plan competition of FH-Joanneum


At the business plan competition of FH-Joanneum in Austria the three best ideas were awarded with vouchers of the city of Kapfenberg.

In the program the already founded company "Pfotenzauber" was voted on the first place. The project is a label called “Pfotenzauber”, which are handmade beds for pets of highest quality and made out of special choosen materials.

A vaccination app called "Plan4You Easy", which is reminiscent of vaccinations, won the second place. The calendar app "Phanty" was voted on the third place by our jury.

Most of the participating teams were very enthusiastic and positive, just the international teams felt that they had a slight disadvantage because of the more or less local jury.   

The feedback of the Jury was also very positive, the municipality of Kapfenberg even asked, if the event could be done on a regular basis. The only critical point here was that some of the plans had a rather rough financial calculation. So maybe the competition could be called ideas competition in the future instead.  

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)