ATTRACTIVE DANUBE - Short Report about the 3rd B&H National Workshop


FB&H Ministry of Physical Planning organised the Third B&H ATTRACTIVE DANUBE workshop on 25 April 2018 at Hotel “Senad from Bosnia” Lukavac, Tuzla Canton (Lake Modrac).

The workshop attended by 40 representatives from 20 institutions, including our guests from B&H state level institutions, Federation B&H level institutions (administrative authority and administrative organisations), Cantonal level institutions (administrative authority and administrative organisations),  Local level - municipalities institutions and private sector.

The Moderator of the third B&H workshop Nedim Mujic with his colleagues  Fuad Sumar and Hajrudin Srna have presented Common Territorial Attractiveness Monitoring Platform for the Danube region - CO TAMP.

They also presented National Territorial Attractiveness Monitoring Platform (for Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina region).

The main objective of the Third B&H Workshop was to meet and connect representatives of different institutions, established good relations with other institutions from National, Federal, Cantonal and spatially Local (Municipality level) and presented to them all the values of specific indicators for Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Online platform and GIS.

For the purpose of including local authorities in the Project and their introduction to GIS capabilities, we had invited our colleague Emir Pajic from municipality Breza to presented  “GIS in municipality Breza”.

Below you can find link for video with photographs from 3rd B&H Workshop.


The 3rd B&H National Workshop

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)