LENA - Fishermen Workshop in Belene


Two-day free workshop for fishermen on Sustainable Fisheries was held in Belene on 25 and 26 April 2018. It involved nearly 80 people from the municipalities of Nikopol and Belene. The lecturers were from the regional Inspection of Fisheries and Aquaculture, WWF Bulgaria and the Foundation for the Development of Local Self-Government. The seminar was organized by WWF Bulgaria, together with the Municipality of Belene. All participants received a LENA and LIFE for Danube Sturgeons Certificate.

The event faced very strong interest. The first day was devoted to the fish markets, while the second day on the discussion about the alternatives – if someone decides not to be a fisherman, what other opportunities exist in the territory of the municipality. Zdravko Sechkov from the Foundation for the Development of Local Self-Government presented the possibilities for financing such alternatives.

Lora Jebril from WWF Bulgaria emphasized tourism as a great opportunity combining the use of the unique conditions for birdwatching, cultural heritage and good local food.

Check out the pictures in the gallery!

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)