EcoInn Danube - Repurchase of PET packaging


Analyze, evaluate and effectiveness in collection and recycling system for PET bottles. This is the main objective of the new joint project of the company Karlovarské minerální vody, Institute of Circular Economics and Faculty of Environmental Protection VSCHT Prague. In the Czech Republic it is the the first activity aimed at evaluating the current system and setting up partial action steps leading to the fulfillment of the principles of the circulating economy in this area.

Karlovarské minerální vody a.s. is the largest producer of mineral and spring water on the Czech market. Their proactive approach to the issue of PET packaging, awareness and preparation for the new concept of the EU Plastics Strategy, which was introduced in January 2018, has created a new working team for advance packaging. One of the tasks is to improve the environment and collect PET packaging.

The current system of sorting and recycling of plastic waste in the Czech Republic proved to be good but it has already reached its limit and despite the apparent positive results from many perspectives it is necessary to carefully analyze it and propose new solutions at this time.

Czechs are one of the best in waste sorting in Europe. From 10 PET bottles bought in the market end "only" 7 in yellow containers for sorting and recycling. One of the most promising and generally positively evaluated solution to improve this from an economic and environmental point of view is the deposit system. It means buy-back of PET packaging from the consumer. Research shows that this is why countries such as Sweden, Germany and other EU member states have achieved up to 98% of the take-off rate of PET bottles.

Big problem of today on which is focused Plastics Strategy is also the release of plastics into nature. There are at least 8 million tons of plastic in the ocean every year and the forecast is that by 2050 there may be more plastic in oceans than fishes! Plastics also account for 85% of waste on coasts and beaches.

The environmental aspects play a major role in reviewing the whole recycling process of plastic waste. Newly created working group will meet once a month and judge the results of the processed analysis. The first study results can be expected in May 2018.


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)