3Smart - Process automation challenge on MED 2018 powered by 3Smart


The project 3Smart will provide the case study problem for the Process automation challenge on the 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2018) to be held in Zadar, Croatia in period 19-22 June 2018. The case study problem consists in cooling a three-rooms exemplary building and is motivated by 3Smart pilots.  Students from all over the world are challenged to participate and compete with their control algorithms, and the authors of best control solutions will be hosted in Zadar during the conference for the finals of the competition. The UNIZGFER team on 3Smart are the authors of the task and will perform evaluation of the received solutions. The 3Smart hierrachical approach to integrated management of buildings and distribution grids applied to this particular problem will also be presented at the conference (outside the competition). More info on this particular event of MED 2018 can be found here.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)