DIGITRANS - 2nd project meeting in Ljubljana


Three days in October were a perfect opportunity for DIGITRANS project partners to hold a second official meeting. In pleasant and motivating premises at University of Ljubljana, partners reflected on what had been achieved thus far and made plans for the next project period. The event was held between 17th and 19th October 2017.


The first day started with the discussion about digital business models and plans on DIGITRANS method development. The method should be developed as a two-part framework that will support SMEs throughout innovation and transformations phases. The innovation phase will include face-to-face trainings and online materials, whereas transformation phase will offer an extensive online training. This blended learning approach will provide relevant skills and knowledge that will allow participants to transform their business models.

Business development workshop

An interactive workshop on developing an e-learning environment was held as a second part of the first day. The environment should provide flexible and interactive learning paths to its users. It will include a set of tools and materials available in English and seven other languages of the Danube region.

The e-learning platform is still in early stages of development. The partners will focus on its structure, content, functionalities and marketing strategy in the upcoming period.

On the second day project partners visited Technology park Ljubljana which is a home of around 300 companies. It was a great opportunity to learn about how some of then grown from small startups to established respectable companies that sell their products and service to cusomers worldwide. 

On the last day partners worked on a real-life case study, which was an ideal opportunity to put the knowledge and experience from previous two days to good use.

Interactive workshop 


One of the project’s primary aims is to establish regional incubators, which will serve as digital business development hubs. Its users will be given an opportunity to assess their business models and digitally transform them with DIGITRANS experts’ support. Ideally, this should allow them to become more competitive and improve their businesses in general.

DIGITRANS project team in Ljubljana

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)