FORESDA - D.3.1.1 Methodology Handbook for the Mapping and Analysis of Regional Innovation Systems


Objective of WP3 of FORESDA project is to develop a joint transnational strategy in improving framework conditions for forest-based cross-sectoral value chains and to mirror this strategy in local action plans for improved cross-sectoral innovation processes for SMEs of the FBI sector. First Activity is mapping and analysis of regional innovation systems. The Methodology Handbook has been developed as the first deliverable of the work package 3 of FORESDA project.

In order to create the Strategy that will give answers and recommendations on the development of the compelling environment for boosting of regional innovations system, Methodology Handbook offers two different sets of specific approaches to relevant stakeholders of forest-based-industries sector as well as recommendations for analysis of collected data, both of project partners and relevant stakeholders like representatives of companies, professional associations, chambers etc.

Therefore, the Methodology Handbook is primarily directed at FORESDA project partners who should collect data related to the state of development of their regional innovation systems, through two questionnaires. The first one (Appendix I.) is dedicated to the collection of statistical/quantitative data and the second one (Appendix II.) to the collection of more detailed/qualitative data. The aim is that the Handbook is adaptable for use in different local and regional contexts of PPs.

The aim of the Handbook is to provide a reference framework and to help increase the quantitative as well as qualitative information on observed regional innovation systems of FBI sector across the project countries/regions. The content of the Handbook has been developed so that it corresponds to the good practices of the FORESDA project and serves as a guideline for the mapping and analysis of Regional Innovation Systems (RIS). The Handbook compiles experience gathered in Croatian Wood Cluster working with FBI sector more than a decade on daily basis and offers a compact manual to PPs in collecting data at local level. The handbook appendices offers questions related to both primary and secondary data sources which results, including additional comments, will be analyzed in order to create the Transnational Strategy (TS) with Local Action PLans (LAC) as planned in WP3 of FORESDA project.

The collected data of both appendices will be used as a basis for workshops and SWOT analysis of cross-sectoral innovation possibilities in SMEs of FBI sector in PC/R.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)