Danube STREAM - presents Common Danube Report 2016


Within the framework of the Danube STREAM project, the Common Danube Report 2016 was presented: the Danube waterway administrations are providing a joint information source regarding Danube waterway transport.

The Common Danube Report 2016, created within the Danube STREAM project, summarizes key performance indicators of Danube waterway transport: data on fairway parameter availability, passenger and freight transport volume, closures of navigation, lock statistics and fairway information services along the Danube waterway.  Furthermore, the report also gives an overview of ongoing projects and initiatives.

The Common Danube Reports, developed in the EU co-funded project NEWADA, have been provided since 2012. They are a tool to offer easy-to read key data to all interested parties.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)