ATTRACTIVE DANUBE - Announcement of the Second Serbian National Workshop
In 2017 as the first year of the ATTRACTIVE DANUBE project – there have been planned three National Workshops for setting up the National Territorial Attractiveness Monitoring Platform (NTAMP-Serbia).
Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia (IAUS) is organising the Second National Workshop for setting up the NTAMP-Serbia within the ATTRACTIVE DANUBE project, and this workshop will be held in Belgrade, on Monday, 9th October 2017 from 10:30 to 15:00, in the Hotel “88 rooms”, Rooftop Conference Room on the 7th floor, Takovska 49.
The working material, which has been sent to the relevant stakeholders, contains preliminary defined proposals for the list of indicators and topics that are outcomes of the First National Workshop. So far, it was confirmed the attendance of almost 40 stakeholders from 19 different institutions at the Second National Workshop.