Introducing the MOVECO Interreg project
“Your trash is my treasure” – this is the motto of the EU project MOVECO (Mobilising Institutional Learning for Better Exploitation of Research and Innovation for the Circular Economy). Sixteen partners from ten countries of the Danube region want to promote transnational cooperation to accelerate the transition to a circular economy. The MOVECO consortium will be working on topics like eco design, producer responsibility, support to innovation and will be discussing best practices in these areas.
Start date: 01-12-2016
End date: 31-05-2019
- Overall: € 2,268,691.00
- ERDF Contribution: € 1,798,430.81
- IPA Contribution: € 129,956.50
Priority: Innovative and socially responsible Danube region
Specific objective: Improve framework conditions for innovation
dtp.interreg-danube.eu/moveco |
News and Events
Kick-off conference
MOVECO’s kick-off conference took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on February 22, 2017 with over 70 participants. The conference was organised by MOVECO’s lead partner, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia. The attendees came from different economic sectors, research organisations, state authorities and non-governmental organisations. Read more
Partner meetings
MOVECO’s first partner meeting was held on January 30 and 31, 2017 in Ljubljana, Slovenia’s capital. Host was MOVECO’s lead partner, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia. Find out more
Our second partner meeting took place on June 13 and 14, 2017 in Nitra, Slovakia’s third largest city. Host was one of two MOVECO’s Slovak project partners, the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. Learn more
MOVECO on camera
Have you ever been involved in a film shooting? MOVECO got the opportunity to do so and give an interview on circular economy and the MOVECO project.
Here is the whole story |
Stay tuned on our activities within the project and learn more about the circular economy in the Danube region!
Our research and development mapping is in progress – we found that the Danube region has a large variety of organizations, universities and further stakeholders who are active in the field of circular economy. Now it is time to connect them! Read more
The next steps of our project include a mobile exhibition that will travel through the Danube region and show best practices as well as challenges for the transition to a circular economy. Besides, a circular economy platform as well as a virtual marketplace are currently being developed. We will keep you updated on our website and with the next MOVECO newsletter.
Learn more about circular economy
Are you already familiar with circular economy? Do you know what extended producer responsibility means? Are you aware of how the circular economy is implemented in the Danube region? Learn more through our collection of strategic documents in the field of circular economy. These studies will be a starting point for preparing the implementation of a harmonized transnational strategy on circular economy in the heterogeneous area of the Danube region by the MOVECO project.
Learn more
Circular economy news in brief
- British Standards Institution has launched a new standard for the circular economy in organisations: BS 8001: 2017. More information
- Horizon 2020 projects will shift priorities to circular economy for 2018-2020, says EU research chief Robert-Jan Smits. More information
- New report “Circular by design” by the European Environment Agency has been presented. More information
- According to the European Environmental Bureau (EEB), uncertainty among EU countries on waste proposals threatens transition to a circular economy. More information
- The European Investment Bank and the European Commission increase their commitment to the circular economy and bioeconomy sectors. More information
- New MSc course in “Technology Innovation and Management for a Circular Economy” at Cranfield University, UK. More information
Circular economy events
Our website is constantly publishing upcoming events related to circular economy. More information
- 14 – 18 May 2018 – Munich, Germany: IFAT – World's Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Waste, and Raw Materials Management
- 14 – 16 November 2017 – Barcelona, Spain: Circular Economy European Summit
- 7 – 10 November 2017 – Rimini, Italy: ECOMONDO - Green & Circular Economy
- 6 – 7 November 2017 – Bratislava, Slovakia: Circular economy in automotive industry
- 20 – 21 October 2017 – Lüneburg, Germany: Cradle to Cradle Congress 2017
- 18 – 19 October 2017 – Stuttgart, Germany: Ressourceneffizienz- und Kreislaufwirtschaftskongress
- 27 September 2017 – Brdo pri Kranju/Ljbuljana, Slovenia: Innovation Day – The opportunities of Circular economy
Although these two events already took place, videos are still available online:
Get involved!
Stakeholders, who would like to know more about the circular economy in the Danube region, learn about best practices, or who would like to give input or ask questions, are encouraged to contact us. We are also looking forward to your comments, feedback and shared links and photos on our social media platforms.
Project Coordinator
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
Dimičeva 13, SI-1504 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ms. Grit Ackermann: grit.ackermann@gzs.si
Communication Office
Bavarian Research Alliance GmbH
Prinzregentenstraße 52, D-80538 Munich, Germany
Ms. Rosina Lohmeyer: moveco@bayfor.org
Follow MOVECO on social media

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