indeed project updates
Dear Readers,
The INDEED project is swiftly moving forward, and some important steps have been made in the last six months towards achieving the projects’ objectives.
Firstly, through the great collaboration of the consortium, the free multimedia online platform (www.indeed-project.eu) has been finalized and the English and Slovenian versions have been already launched. The Romanian and Bulgarian version are currently under preparation.
The Slovenian INDEED platform has been piloted in multi-professional workshops which took place in September in two different sites (Ljubljana and Celje) and the feedback received was very positive. In conjunction with these workshops, an awareness event was also organized. Similar pilot actions will be organized in Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia in the months of December 2020 and January 2021. Due to the impact of the current situation with Covid-19 these will be hosted in a digital format.
Despite the challenges generated by the COVID-19 Pandemic, the INDEED project has also continued to be disseminated at national and international events. Please find below a selection of events from different project countries where the INDEED project was presented, the activities organized by partners to celebrate Alzheimer’s International Day and our list of upcoming events.
In the coming months, we invite you to access the INDEED platform, either in English or in your own language if you are residing in Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia or Slovakia. We would be happy to receive your ideas and feedback!
Lea Pfaeffel, Alexander Kurz& Georgeta Popovici
indeed in croatia
On October 15-16 took place on virtual space the Croatian Congress on Alzheimer’s Disease. (www.alzheimer-croatia2020.com)
Our INDEED project was on the Conference agenda.
“INNOVATION FOR DEMENTIA IN THE DANUBE REGION” was presented by Prof. Alexander Kurz, Lea Pfaeffel and Marina Boban.
Prof. Alexander Kurz and Marina Boban also chaired some sessions of presentations.
The presenters highlighted the project group, the project idea and the blended-learning approach, as well as the multimedia aspect of the online platform (animated videos, quizzes, interviews). A special focus was on the online learning platform already launched in English and Slovenian versions. The Slovenian pilot actions were mentioned. The final point was on the sustainability of the INDEED materials after the project end.
indeed in slovenia
On September 25th 2020, Spominčica – Alzheimer Slovenia organized the annual national event in collaboration with the Coalition for Neurodegenerative Diseases and three other societies.
The event has been conducted in the premises of Faculty of Medicine, streamed online by the Slovenian press agency (STA) and broadcasted on several YouTube/Facebook channels.
Prof. dr. Zvezdan Pirtošek presented the Indeed project and platform.
The event, including Indeed project/platform has been mentioned in several articles in Slovenian newspapers.
Also, in September 2020, UL, as the lead of WP6, and WU organized first pilot workshops in Slovenia. All the activities and the outcome of the workshops have been under the strong. The awareness event and two workshops have been carried out and had received first, very encouraging feedbacks from targeted users of the INDEED platform.
More details can be found here: http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/news-and-events/project-news/5548
indeed in romania
With the occasion of International Alzheimer’s Day, on September 21, Romanian Alzheimer Society initiated an awareness and fund-raising campaign that will stretch until the end of 2020.
Part of this campaign will be to promote the launching of the INDEED training platform in Romanian language.
indeed in bosnia and herzegovina
The Conference "Dementia Care and Policies of extended Danube Region" and iCoDem/20 - Covid 19 and Dementia“ took place online, on ZOOM, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, organized by Alzheimer association AiR from August 31 to September 1.
The aim of this Conference "Dementia Care and Policies" was to create a Forum by the members from Regional countries that presented situation in their respective countries from aspect of demographic impact on society in link with dementia issues, healthy aging and long-term care and to present society readiness for adjustment and their possibility to create system "Dementia friendly society" and adjustment life environment to elderly people. Following the presentations, the Forum initiated discussions to find self-sustaining solutions and to establish contacts for follow-up activities. Our partner in INDEED project, Dr. Osman Kučuk – Director of Center for dementia - Bosnia and Herzegovina, was present at this event and had the introductory word for both days of the conference.
The INDEED project was emphasized:
- Into the Introductory word where the name of INDEED project was mentioned by the assistant to Ministry of Health;
-Through the presentation “Timely diagnosing” based on INDEED materials, made and presented by Emina Kučuk and having as central point the new reality regarding housing needs PwD – developing of services and supporting entrepreneurship;
- During the discussions about the needs for education, timely diagnosis carried out within the project under INDEED name. During the Conference, the INDEED logo was permanently shown.
For more information about the program click here: https://www.alzheimerbih.org/agenda
More information about this event can be found here: http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/news-and-events/project-news/5441
indeed general assembly 3
Our important event took place online, via Zoom platform during September 2-3, 2020.
There were two very interesting and intense days of presentations and discussions, bringing together the project partners and important stakeholders. Important aspects focused within this event were: the activities carried out from the last meeting until now, the progress made in the project, the activities planned for the next months of the project and the expectations from all partners so that the remaining activities would go as planned.
It was emphasized the launching of the online training platform in English, the preparations made for the launching of the RO/SI/SK/BG versions (at the time of this newsletter issuing, the Slovenian platform was already launched and the Romanian version platform will be very near to be launched). The platform will be piloted through different workshops (WP6) that are going to take place starting with September 2020. The first one already took place in September in Ljubljana and Celje, Slovenia.
Future activities comprise the “content refinement”, the policy safari (a series of interviews with policy makers from the piloting countries (BG RO SK SI) and Hungary) that will start in September/October with Slovenia – followed by Hungary, with all interviews being completed at the beginning of 2021.
The second day of the meeting was dedicated to a very interesting Roundtable on project sustainability, where the goal was to review recent project activities in regard to sustainability and to develop a strategy for achieving project sustainability. The presentations were made by stakeholders from NCP RO, Excellence in ReSTI, JS, as well as by project partners that made an overview on INDEEDs sustainability efforts from teams in Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.
After a long, but successful session of discussions, having in center the project sustainability, some strategic directions were established that will be analyzed in detail in the upcoming period of time.
Please click here for more details:
the celebration of international alzheimer's day on september 21st
Podcast about dementia
Prof. Alexander Kurz talked about the INDEED project in a sponsored podcast about dementia which was moderated by Nina Ruge.
INDEED - Dementia and Alzheimer - How do you actually forget? (Podcast with Prof. Alexander Kurz and Nina Ruge)
The podcast in German language can be listened here: https://spermidin.health/podcast/
INDEED is mentioned from minute 35:53 to 36:50.
--> Folge# 1: Demenz und Alzheimer – wie vergisst man eigentlich?
upcoming events
making dementia a health care priority!
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