Danube GeoTour - Journalist study tours successfully started


Journalist study tour at the Styrian Eisenwurzen in Austria


As part of the Interreg Danube GeoTour Project, each participating Geopark is organizing a study tour for journalists to raise awareness of the project outcomes, the tourism offers of their area and the UNESCO Global Geopark Network. The Styrian Eisenwurzen Nature- and Geopark hold this event from 3 to 4 September, 2019 with 7 participants from Austria and Hungary.

The programme started with a Georafting Adventure Tour on the River Salza which is the most famous area in Austria for whitewater sports, mainly rafting and kayaking. The management team introduced the new visitor guidance system of the river and the new Geoproduct, the Georafting, which were worked out and implemented under the umbrella of the Interreg Danube GeoTour Project. The lunch was at the Hoamat Restaurant in Großreifling, a partner of our Nature- and Geopark, where the participants could experience the Styrian local cuisine. The products processed in the restaurant and its regional farm shop come exclusively from local farmers and producers from the Gesäuse-Eisenwurzen region. The GeoVillage Gams was the next stop which got an official entrance with information point, exhibition, shop and cash desk, while new information panels and trail signs have been set up in the Noth Gorge funded by the Interreg Danube GeoTour Project. Here the Geopark team introduced the natural and cultural values of the area, the new visitor management system and the tourism opportunities. As a closing of the day, a presentation was hold about the region connected to a barbecue dinner with the Natur- and Geopark partner Palfau Rafting Camp. At 4th September, aHerbal Mountain Farmer partner was visited in the Schwabel Valley of Landl where the participants could experience yoga, herbal walk and the local products of the farm.

On the whole, the Geopark team successfully introduced the Interreg Danube GeoTour Project, the tourism offers, natural and cultural values, and some partners of the Natur- and Geopark.


Journalist study tour in Idrija and Papuk


As part of the Danube GeoTour project, Idrija UGG and Papuk UGG organized a study tour for journalists and bloggers from Slovenia and Croatia, from 9 to 12 September 2019. The first two days were hosted by Idrija UGG and the third and fourth by Papuk UGG. 

The visit to Idrija started with a breakfast made from ingredients provided by the recipients of the "Idrija selected" collective trademark certificate:  Klančar fruit yogurt with granola and BoVa honey and tea from the House of Herbs with honey from Rupnik Beekeeping. IDRIJA SELECTED Certificate of Excellence is awarded to those products and services that meet high standards of quality, include locally sourced raw materials, and showcase the traditions, culture and lifestyle of people living in the Idrija UNESCO Global Geopark. 

For the first time, journalists visited the Idrija Geopark Visitor Centre in the company of two authors and looked at an exhibition. The underlying theme of the exhibition is about how the Earth's forces influenced the formation of the Idrija region and shaped life in this region. Contents from the entire area of ​​the Idrija Geopark are presented. The exhibition aims at encouraging visitors to visit the Idrija countryside in addition to visiting the main tourist providers in the town of Idrija, to visit the natural and cultural sights there, to get in touch with the tourist providers outside the city and stay there for a longer period of time. 

Next day, after a rest at the Hotel Kendov dvorec, the journalists and bloggers visited Idrijske Krnice and learned about the beauties of the Idrija countryside. The members of the Hudournik Society presented to them a part of their Tourist Package called Vandranje po gričih (Strolling in the Hills), which bears the Idrija Selected certificate. The program included a visit to the House of Herbs and a sampling of various dairy products at the Krnčan farm. At the end of their visit, our guests were shown how to make Idrija žlikorofi at the Hotel Kendov dvorec. This traditional dish is made of dough, filled with potato stuffing, and is characteristically shaped. The people of Idrija have always liked to serve žlikrofi with bakalca, a dish prepared with mutton and vegetables. Due to its good taste, it is often the main course at numerous high profile events in Slovenia. 

The focus of the visit in Papuk UGG was the Geological Interpretation Point "Zvečevo," created as part of the project as an outdoor interpretation point that explains in a popular, simplified way the process of metamorphosis of the West Papuk rocks. In addition to this, the guests also visited the nearby Vile Montis Aurea, a holiday complex located in the village of Novo Zvečevo. During our visit to the western part of Papuk UGG, our guests visited Rupnica, the first Croatian geological monument, the Trešnjevica geosite and the area of ​​the future Geo Info Center in Voćin. After that, they headed to the Jankovac Park- Forest. There is an educational path, which winds its way from a mountain hut to the Jankovac lakes, through a beech forest, all the way to the Skakavac waterfall. Along the path, there are info-panels that indicate the important biological, geological and cultural-historical heritage of this area. For this trail, Papuk UGG received the 2006 "Green Flower" award from the Croatian Tourist Board. 




Explore the Danube GeoTour


...and check out our new image video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=za_1RrLsrtY&t=2s

Available in English and several subtitels! The video gives you a good opportunity to explore the Geoparks and Geosites along the Danube GeoTour. Taste GeoCulture and feel the adventures of GeoOutdoor!

Check us out on facebook: www.facebook.com/danubegetour/


Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA).

Copyright pictures regarding the whole newsletter: Idrija, Styrian Eisenwurzen, Papuk



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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)