Excellence-in-ReSTI - Newsletter No. 10





Dear Readers,

all good things must come to an end. This is also true for our Excellence-in-ReSTI project which came to a close at the end of October. We would like to thank all newsletter readers for their interest in our work and potentially sharing their thoughts with us or engaging in one of our many activities.

Even though this is our final newsletter it does not mean that you cannot follow our work any longer: We encourage you to check out our revised ReSTI.academy training programme for which further support is provided in this newsletter by presenting our five eLearning Guides and the eHandbook for Organisations.

As for how much we managed to achieve during the project, the next section on key facts provides you with a good overview. It was a sometimes tiring but nonetheless rewarding and interesting work. I can only hope that the excitement and enthusiasm of this project came through our newsletters as well.

Best regards,

Gabor Szudi - Excellence-in-ReSTI project manager, on behalf of the project consortium



The 11-member partnership of the Excellence-in-ReSTI project started its joint work in February 2017 with the common goal of developing a blended learning programme truly novel in its structure and content which is specifically designed for the needs of early-stage project managers and administrators, as well as young graduates in the Danube region. More than 2.5 years later, after an almost 1-year long pilot training with 34 fully certified participants, we are proud to announce the launch of the revised ReSTI.academy platform with 5 modules built around the most relevant ReSTI project management related topics. You can find all the relevant links at ReSTI.academy web page.



  • More than 160 applicants from 14 countries submitted their application to participate in the ReSTI PM Pilot Training
  • 2 semesters, 5 modules, 20 courses
  • 34 pilot participants  finished all the courses
  • 61.5% - NPS - Net Promoter Score (experience with ReSTI.academy in general - an NPS above 50 is considered excellent) 
  • Almost 48.000 contacts have been reached in order to spread the information of the ReSTI infodesk service
  • 69 questions have been received and answered by the relevant partners (Excellence-in-ReSTI  infodesk service)
  • 996 respondents participated in online 'Excellence-in-ReSTI Needs and Gaps Analysis Survey‘
  • Over 200 interviews conducted with relevant regional stakeholders on the missing skills and training elements needed for ReSTI PM excellence 
  • 82 respondents – in an online ReSTI self-test for institutions
  • Over 600 followers and members on Excellence-in-ReSTI official social media channels (Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Twitter)
  • Over 270 posts about Excellence-in-ReSTI (official and project partners social media)
  • Over 40.000 followers on project partners’ social media web pages
  • 39 uploaded Excellence-in-ReSTI videos –over 1.500 views in total
  • 10 official Excellence-in-ReSTI newsletters – about 10.000 recipients per newsletter
  • More than 20 organised “Excellence-in-ReSTI events” in Danube region
  • 28 participation in external events – project partners dissemination activities
  • Over 100 clippings (in magazines, journals and newspapers and webpage news)
  • Over two and a half years of wonderful moments and a lot of new experiences for all participants of the Excellence-in-ReSTI project.



Specific details on each module including general information on

  • the ReSTI 5-Door approach
  • how to best move through the courses
  • technical aspects such as the registration on ReSTI.academy, the assessment, the tracking of study process and the process of earning badges
  • and the workload and recommended ECTS per course

are available in the series of five ReSTI eLearning Guides which can be downloaded from ReSTI.academy website. This series is addressed to future individual learners.

Individual learners may check out the structure and content of Module 1 (EU Policies), Module 2 (Project Design), Module 3 (Project Management), Module 4 (Social Innovation) or Module 5 (Innovation in the Business Context)


ReSTI e-Handbook for Organizations


The ReSTI eHandbook is offered to organisations and their trainers who wish to use the ReSTI.academy programme  for their own educational offers that may take learners through all or parts of the programme. The eHandbook offers recommendations for engagement and outlines opportunities for support for each module. Moreover, this publication provides insights about the project and the development process of the ReSTI.academy designed to enable future work with the curriculum and individual modules or courses. You can download the ReSTI eHandbook here.



  Over 600 followers and members on FacebookLinkedInYouTube and Twitter are updated with breaking news on ReSTI project. Please select a social media channel and keep in touch with the latest news about the Excellence-in-ReSTI project and activities!

Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: danube@interreg-danube.eu  | Web: www.interreg-danube.eu


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)