eGUTS - 4rd News letter


close to the finish line




Last week (16-18 September) eGUTS consortium hold their last Partner and Steering Committee meeting and the Closing Conference in Zadar. Besides discussing each work packages and deliverables, partners define further development goals and opportunities of cooperation within e-mobility. At the Closing Conference, "Perspectives in European eMobility Future” participants had the chance to join thematic presentations on e-mobility and gain insight into eGUTS project. As part of the schedule, a Roundtable on "eMobility reflected in Local Action Plans" was also held where involved professionals, TEP members, and project partners exchanged experiences and emphasized the importance and the positive effects of a well-prepared action plan on cities' e-mobility development. 



E-MOB events went on



Encouraged by the success of previous e-mobility events some of the Partners decided to organize further events in this year. On the 22nd of September Romanian partner ROSENC (Romanian Sustainable Energy Cluster) with the support of Timisoara Municipality and with the participation of 7 Partners hold the 2nd Electro-Tura event within European Mobility Week. Around 500 visitors could try the promoted electric vehicles for free. Municipality of Ulcinj (Montenegro) organized an entourage of electric vehicles through the City center, while in Zadar more than 500 participants were cycling together to promote a healthy lifestyle and to support European Mobility Week.

The University of Maribor also held an awareness-raising event for high-school students, where members of the young generation also had the chance to try light electric vehicles and learn more about e-mobility. The Faculty of Energy Technology also organized a summer school this August. Involved students created a robotic e-car consisting of electronic circuits and 3D printed parts, and tested a real electric car too. The University found it important to increase young people's knowledge of e-mobility, which can help to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions, and above all the fight against climate change.


dissemination event


Partners not only focused on the promotion of e-vehicles and e-mobility but also found it important to promote eGUTS project itself on conferences and in the frame of related other events. 

The Serbian Partner, REDASP (Regional Regional Economic Development Agency for Šumadija and Pomoravlje) presented the project at the Regional IPA Conference in June in the Assembly Hall of the City of Kragujevac. The Conference was organized within the project “Interregional Electromobility Networks for intERurban low carbon MOBility – EnerMOB”, financed by European Union, through Interreg V-B Adriatic-Ionian Cooperation Programme and attended by more than 80 representatives of institutions and organizations of the public, private and civil sectors.

The Hungarian Partner, DDTG (Danube Development Transnational Group Non-profit Ltd.) with their associated partner, Municipality of Paks also promoted eGUTS project on E-mobility Forum 2019 in Budapest. The promotional materials, especially our visibility vests very quite popular among visitors.




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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)