
Dear readers,
summer is getting closer, but for the Excellence-in-ReSTI project there is no rest. Behind us there are more than two years characterized by different efforts, socializing, meetings, events, sighs, and smiles. It's time for a big finale: We are proud to announce the Excellence-in-ReSTI final event and award ceremony. It will be held at the Charles University in Prague in the afternoon, 1st July 2019 – all interested stakeholders are welcome.
What else is going on? The Strategy and Roadmap document has been finalized and we invite you to read it and comment on it. In the meantime, partners are working hard to improve modules and courses and to disseminate Excellence-in-ReSTI projects achievements. We are ready for summer!

Project Leader Partner Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) and local host project partner Charles University (CUNI), on behalf of the whole project consortium, invites all interested stakeholders to its final meeting where the first relevant project results will be presented.
The Excellence-in-ReSTI final event and award ceremony will be held at the Charles University in Prague in the afternoon, 1st July 2019.
Reflecting the achieved results may lead to potential future project ideas and activities. This is highlighted by a panel discussion organised between project managers of different Danube Transnational Programme projects dealing with innovative blended learning solutions. One highlight will be the official ceremony where the pilot training participants will be awarded with a certificate for their successful completion of the Excellence-in-ReSTI e-learning modules. The participation in the event is free of charge.
For more information please check our detailed agenda.
If you are interested, please register here till 24th June, 2019.
On behalf of the Excellence-in-ReSTI project consortium, we are pleased to inform you that the Strategy and Roadmap document has been finalized. The document provides a summary of current challenges to the management of science, technology and innovation projects within nine countries in the Danube macro-region.
In order to validate the results obtained, the project intends to collect and discuss the opinion of the broadest segment of relevant stakeholder group, i.e. regional and national policy-makers dealing with research and innovation, or policy influencers whose professional opinion tend to be considered by policy-makers in one form or another.
If you want to participate, you can access the online questionnaire.
Deadline: 14/06/2019

The conference on social Innovation was organized by the Foundation for Partnership and Civil Society Development in cooperation with the Region of Istria – Administrative Department for International Cooperation and European Affairs organized a workshop „Developing social innovations using Design thinking“ implemented through +RESILIENT project activities, Interreg Mediterranean program 2014–2020.
During the introduction, Mirna Karzen from the Social Innovation Laboratory, Zagreb informed the participants about the concept of 'social innovations' through various good practices. Mirna explained also the benefits brought by social innovations to the community. She also described the current ecosystem for SI in Croatia, which is challenged by a lack of understanding from policymakers as well as a lack of continuing support to the creation and the sustaining of social innovation. Social innovations are signifying the ideas which are solving specific increasing social issues, like isolation, exclusion, poverty, social imbalance, lack of awareness when it comes to ecology, inefficient competencies and social skills needed for better life quality.
During workshop conducted by the experts from Design Thinking Croatia, 40 participants from civil, private, public and academic sector developed fresh ideas for social innovation using design thinking method. During the group exercises, participants developed project ideas for six different thematic areas: isolation of elderly people, raising the self esteem of the disadvantaged groups, learning about the social services, free time quality, education of the adults and how to assure the personal assistants for the children with disabilities.
University of Ljubljana is the oldest and largest higher education and scientific research institution in Slovenia. University with its rich tradition was founded in 1919. It has more than 40.000 undergraduate and postgraduate students and employs approximately 5.600 higher education teachers, researchers, assistants and administrative staff in 23 faculties and three arts academies.
The Faculty of Social Sciences is the largest interdisciplinary public institution for education and research in the social sciences in Slovenia, and among the largest and most up-to-date in Europe. Through its human resources, its in-house research institute, central social sciences library and publishing house, it develops a range of disciplines that represent an optimal synergy for the contemporary social sciences. The Faculty builds its academic excellence through outstanding theoretical and empirical research, extensive scholarly publishing, and a successful transfer of research results in curricula as well as the industries. Up-to-date, relevant and interactive study programmes offer extensive, relevant, systematic, high quality and applicable knowledge about society and social phenomena, both nationally and internationally. Interactive and contemporary study programmes offer a broad understanding of and insight into what is happening in society, as well as a solid basis for developing a critical view of the contemporary social phenomena and for thinking about the challenges, and their possible solutions. We encourage students to actively engage with teachers in our modern lecture halls, and we seek to involve students in our ongoing research projects.

SIL is an association founded in January 2011 to address key socio-economic problems such as poverty reduction and inclusion of marginalized groups, employment, education and others. In addition to promoting, researching and analyzing public policies, mapping and providing a support in creating social innovations, SIL also provides education for the public, private and civil sector, as well as for students at different faculties in creating new solutions using innovative methodologies and approaches such as online education, design thinking approach etc. SIL operates through an organizational structure consisting of ten active members of the Assembly and a network of strategic partners in Croatia, broader region, as well as in Europe and worldwide. One of SIL’s key competences is related to its work on supporting public sector/urban innovations by increasing capacities of public sector officials and policy-makers, as well as by facilitating the process of integrating social innovation and innovative models of governance into the city policies (e.g. City Lab model). SIL is currently implementing several EU funded projects including the INTERREG Danube and the Erasmus + projects.
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