Danube Framework for Responsible Research and Innovation





(D-STIR) is a project that will integrate Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) throughout broad coaction with academic and business complementary partners. It will offer Danube RRI strategy. Concrete recommendations and tools, as the results of the in-depth collaboration among all project partners and stakeholders will promote quadruple helix cooperation and lead to the long-term change: an innovation pipeline based on COOPERATION, RESPONSIBILITY AND COMPETITIVENESS.

Start date
End date

Budget in Euro
Overall: 1923366,8
ERDF Contribution: 1524025,49
IPA Contribution: 110836,26 

Innovative and socially responsible Danube region

Specific objective
Improve framework conditions for innovation

Follow the D-STIR project on social media: 

Official web page:

dtp.interreg-danube.eu/ d-stir


D-STIR method




Socio-Technical Integration Research (STIR) was initially designed to assess the capacity of scientific and engineering laboratories to perform this type of integration and has become an established method upon which RRI concepts and practices are based.


STIR supports interactions between experts from different disciplines (humanities and social science with technological sectors). In the case of D-STIR project these will be: target groups from policy, academia, business (including SMEs) and civil society across the macro-region. These experts will collaboratively reflect on the societal context of research decisions in order to support reflexive learning and practical adjustments.


D-STIR is highly innovative, as it implies RRI implementation method across the Danube and in less developed regions for the first time






We are honoured to welcome associate professor at Arizona State University dr. Erik Fisher. He will join D-STIR Project as an external expert. Find bellow interesting interview with the professor about STIR method, expectations for Eastern European region and interesting thoughts about past experiences from STIR implementation in developed countries.







interview with DR. Miklos lukovics








Lead expert of the Fisrt Hungarian Responsible Innovation association dr. Miklis Lukovics about D-STIR project: "D-STIR as a historic opportunity for the Danube region"








diverse group of partners 

D-STIR's transnational consortium covers most (8) countries of the progrmme area. All partners indicate the
need for a more responsible innovation process to face today's grand challenges. In all regions, innovation is encouraged, yet not enough attention is paid to potential environmental, societal or ethical consequences.

  • South-East Regional Development Agency - Romania
  • Cassovia Life Science - Slovakia
  • First Hungarian Responsible Innovation Association - Hungary
  • ELI-HU Research and Development Non-Profit Ltd - Hungary
  • Development Centre of the HEart of Slovenia - Slovenia
  • Institute of Phsics of the Czech Academy of Science - Czech Republic
  • Horia Hulubei Natinal Institute for Research and Development in Physics and Nuclear Engineering - Romania
  • bwcon GmbH - Germany
  • Country Goernemtn of Csongrad - Hungary
  • Central Bohemian Innovation Centre - Czech Republic
  • Development Agency Heart of Istria - Croatia
  • Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency - Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Ilfov Country Council - Romania
  • Kosice Self Governing Region - Slovakia
  • Sarajevo Canton Planning Institute - Bosnia and Herzegovina





upcoming events in this year

  • 2nd Steering Committe Meeting - May 2017, to be organized by SERDA - Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency. Transnational project event will be in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


  • 3rd Steering Committee Meeting - with capacity building, July 2017, to be organized by Fisrt Hungarian Responsible Assocciation. Capacity building workshop with prof. dr. Erik Fisher will be in Syeged, Hungary


  • 4rd Steering Committee Meeting - November 2917, to be organized by Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia. Transnational project event will be in Litija, Slovenia.  



Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: danube@interreg-danube.eu  | Web: www.interreg-danube.eu


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)