DanubeChance 2.0 project
DanubeChance2.0 will deliver innovative policy designs, give formerly bankrupt entrepreneurs a second chance in the Danube region.
Acting as a policy driver, DanubeChance2.0 brings together a multi-disciplinary quadruple-helix partnership of 12 partners and 5 ASPs to create the first "Second-chance Entrepreneurship Strategy for the Danube region".
The project will provide a path for more legitimate entrepreneurs whose first businesses have failed to re-enter the market through delivering 130 hours of "blended" learning experiences at the ”’Trial and Error‘ Re-Design Transnational Academy”, and the launch of the first "Business Re-Structuring Initiative", which will provide business acceleration support for approximately 60 legitimate entrepreneurs whose first projects failed.
A Second-chance Entrepreneurial Transnational Community Pool of Experts will also provide mentoring to second-chance entrepreneurs beyond the lifetime of the project.
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2nd Steering Committee Meeting in Vienna
Centre for Social Innovation - partner of DanubeChance 2.0 project, organized at 16th of April, 2019 in Vienna, the 2nd Steering Committee Meeting of the project.
During the meeting Mike Nagorkin– Lead Partner of DanubeChance 2.0 project - was presented the main activities to be carried out in the next period and the responsibilities of each partner.
In the Steering Committee Meeting were presented the project's work packages and by the leaders of the work packages have been summarized the progress of the activities and deliverables.
Train the Trainer event in Vienna and Bratislava at 16th and 17th of April
Train the trainer events are mutual learning and knowledge pooling events where project partners exchange experiences on good practices examples of second-chance policy and business support instrument.
During the Train, the Trainer event in Vienna 16th of April 2019 the partners are able to get familiar with the good practices of the following countries: Germany, Croatia, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Austria.
The 2nd day of the Train the Trainers event was held in Bratislava and the presentation of Good Practices from partner countries was structured as follows: Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Serbia Slovakia, Moldova.
Click here to see the good practice presentation of each country.
Business Breakfasts
The scope of these breakfasts is to provide a better understanding of good and bad practices, policy niches and available toolsets for improving regional policy instruments on second entrepreneurship. The breakfast dialogues shall ensure DanubeChance2.0 tools are tailored to regional conditions and involve all necessary stakeholders.
The business breakfasts shall bring together (potential) stakeholders of second-chance entrepreneurship, which could include business consultants, local/regional chambers of commerce, public/private business development agencies, local administration or regional/national ministries, start-up incubators, scientists researching innovation and business topics, representatives from banks, business angels and venture capitalists.
Three Business Breakfasts have to be organized by each project partner in semester 1, 2 and 3.
Visit our social media platform, and do not miss the chance to participate on of these breakfasts!
Upcoming Event - Smart factory HUB project final conference
Smart Factory HUB event aims to highlight the importance of Digital Innovation HUBs in digital transformation. At the same time, we aim to accelerate a real dialogue with the invitation of various actors presenting future funding support systems and opportunities. We create a live platform for discussions between policy-makers, R&D institutions, solution providers, production-oriented SMEs, Digital Innovation HUBs, and Business Support Organizations.
For further information on the official program and registration, please click here. |
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