Excellence-in-ReSTI - Newsletter No. 7




Dear readers, 

the implementation of the DTP Interreg Excellence-in-ReSTI project is in its final year:The first three modules of the ReSTI.academy have been successfully completed and participants already deepened their knowledge of EU project management. The various topics discussed in Modules 1, 2 and 3, the innovative 5 doors (didactic) approach, and a lot of enthusiasm are the main features of ongoing activities.

Facing spring, the ReSTI team is looking forward to a new project period and future opportunities to share know-how and gain further feedback for best results. In parallell to ReSTI.academy, ReSTI Infodesk and a currently opened online questionnaire for professionals are two further opportunities to benefit from the Excellence-in-ReSTI project. Take your chance!











As part of the pilot programme all 25 funded participants and the five best-performing non-funded participants were invited to take part in a two-day workshop, hosted by Digitális Jólét Non-profit Kft on 4-5 March 2019 in Budapest, Hungary.

At the beginning, project partners presented the results of the Modul 1,2 and 3. In an interactive discussion, pilot course participants gave many interesting observations, followed by an introductory information on Modules 4 and 5 by ReSTI experts. The second day of the workshop was dedicated to train-the-trainer workshops on social innovation and innovation in the business context. Innovation and creativity of students are particularly supported by approaches and tools offered in these two modules. New ideas but also „thinking out of the box“, evolved through the intensive training. Both, courses leaders and pilot participants, enjoyed the workshop. More details at:




The 5th Excellence-in-ReSTI Steering Committee Meeting was enclosed to the participants meeting and took place in Budapest on March 6, 2019. The objective was to discuss and make decisions about the most relevant project issues, such as the following: Current and upcoming activities of Infodesk; the preparation process of the strategy and roadmap; communication & dissemination project activities; final implementation of pilot courses; furthermore, feedback was shared among project partners on the prolongation of the  Excellence-in-ReSTI project until October 2019.




ReSTI.academy Modules 1 and 2 course leaders and funded participants met online to discuss achieved results as well as participants’ feedback. First online meeting with funded participants was held on November 14, 2018. The second meeting was held on January 14, 2019. The participants shared useful suggestions and questions that will be taken into account during implementation of future courses.

You can access the content and presentations of virtual meetings on the YouTube channel.







By the beginning of March 2019, the first three modules of the ReSTI.academy were completed: Module 1 – EU Policies, Module 2 – Project Design, and Module 3 – Project Management.

After completing these modules, the participants had the opportunity to express their comments and suggestions on several occasions including virtual and face to face meetings. In general, the participants have been satisfied, and the assessments given to modules and topics were quite positive.

In Modules 1 and 2, participants highlighted above all:

  • Well-chosen materials: easy to follow and relevant
  • Presentation and and introductory videos are helpful and explaining course structure
  • Interactive activities and resources (quizzes, videos) are usefuell
  • Terminology explanations
  • Activities linking theory to practice incl. real-life examples (templates, handbooks from projects)
  • Activities showcasing difference between H2020 and DTP

Participants identified the following as best parts of Module 3:

  • Video examples;
  • Presentations withs comparative information on methodologies and tools;
  • Playground activities (exercises) allowing individual experimentation with tools
  • Real-life examples, e.g. case studies, or templates taken from real projects

The main recommendations of the participants are related to: thematic coherence between courses, internal course structure, certain improvements in the entry and assessment quizzes, ranking of course materials in relevance (importance), and more diversified course content, e.g. videos; pre-assessment quiz; real-life case studies, etc.

Excellent observations and suggestions will be used to improve these modules in the upcoming period. The ReSTI team wants to thank all participants for their feedback and will reflect respectively include recommendations to the final version of courses.


Check Out the ReSTI Infodesk!




Experts from EU funding institutions and the field of EU project management provide you with profound knowledge on all topics related to EU funding. Find three possibilities how ReSTI Infodesk can support you with your EU-projects:

  1. The online form: You can fill in your question or concern and our experts will answer you within 5 days!.
  2. The Self Test:  We offer you the possibility to assess your knowledge about EU policies, project design, project management, social innovation, and innovation in the business context.
  3. The Knowledge Base: You can find a glossary with terms around EU funding also translated in 10 languages (BG, CZ, DE, HR, HU, SI, ME, RS, BHS, RO); a list of project management assessment tools with download links and outlining the advantages and disadvantages of each tool; and a list of the latest EU calls and funding information.

Access the ReSTI Infodesk online at: https://resti.academy/infodesk






The purpose of this questionnaire is to provide organisations with the possibility to check their know-how in five areas of EU funding and project management in which the Excellence-in-ReSTI project and the ReSTI.academy offers online training opportunities:

  1. EU Policies
  2. Project Design (EU funding & consortium building)
  3. Project Management
  4. Social Innovation
  5. Innovation in the Business Context

The questionnaire serves as a self test assessing if and in how far organisations can improve their performance. The data will give insights where knowledge gaps lie and what specific knowledge is needed to manage a project excellently. Including five sections with a total of 63 questions and the questionnaire takes about 30 minutes and is meant to be fully filled out (but sections can be skipped if necessary). All the answers are anonymous!

If you want to participate, you can access the online questionnaire via this link... 
Deadline: 30/04/2019


UPCOMING EVENT: 3rd Pilot Participant & 6th Steering Committee Meeting


3rd Pilot Participant & Final Steering Committee Meeting of the Excellence-in-ReSTI project

Where: Charles University, Prague

When: July 1 -3, 2019

This event is by invitation only – a comprehensive documentation will be made available!


PARTNER IN FOCUS: Directorate for Development of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (DDSME), Montenegro


Directorate for Development of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (DDSME) was established in 2000, but functioning within the Ministry of Economy (as from 2013), with the main aim to providing assistance to the SME sector in Montenegro. ME-DDSME has 14 professionals and is responsible for the following areas: Defining the strategy for SME; preparing and realizing SME development projects and programs; financial support for SME; realizing the aims and EU standards; preparing educational and special programs for SME development, etc.

Being the key institution for realisation of the policy and providing support for SMEs, the Directorate plays a dual role. On one side, it provides support for SMEs at the executive level through the realisation of activities and projects in the area or developing support institutions, promoting information flow with SMEs, providing necessary consultative business services and education, securing grants for SMEs, stimulating competitiveness and export, internationalisation of SMEs, supporting research and also promotion. On the other side, it plays a leading role in coordinating the implementation of SME policy within the framework of other sector policies, in the parts which deal with the development of entrepreneurship and also in activities of other entities which, within their sphere of activities, support the development of SMEs.

Ministry of Economy - Directorate for Development of SMEs focuses its capacities on both financial and non-financial support (increasing competitiveness, stimulating exports, non-formal education, introduction of international standards, development of institutional support at the local level, development of clusters, improving innovation, research, etc.). ME-DDSME has plenty of experience in both national and international projects.




More than 400 followers on Facebook and nearly 100 members of Excellence-in-ReSTI LinkedIn group as well as followers on Youtube and Twitter are updated frequently with breaking news on ReSTI project management, opportunities in the Danube region and the project! Please select a social media channel and learn more!


Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: danube@interreg-danube.eu  | Web: www.interreg-danube.eu


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)