Moving together a few steps further towards a GREEN DANUBE!
GREEN DANUBE is closing the second year and looking forward for the final steps to be completed, in order to reach the common targets towards a greener Danube. Together with all 16 partners from seven countries out of the Danube Region we are continuously working on several project activities in favour of the common objective: to limit the negative impact of transport systems on the Danube ecosystem.The final event will be held in the Danube Delta, Romania, to be once again together aware of the natural beauty of the Danube. Save the date in your calendars and join the consortium for its final event on 22 May 2019 to hear about the project’s main results, discuss about potential follow-up activities, on the findings and to recapitulate our commonly achieved goals!
http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/green-danube |
Final conclusions on the results of the performed air quality measurements
All measurements were performed in the four selected critical environmental Danube areas over the last two years: Sulina Channel (RO), Iron Gates I (RO-RS), Gemenc (HU) and Engelhartzell (AT). The set of measured main air pollutants measured are carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter and sulphur dioxide.The results and conclusions of those measurements will be integrated into the other projects outcomes such as the Policy Agenda and the Greening Strategy for the Danube Region. To read what it was like to be part of the measuring campaigns, please click here.
Policy Agenda - National validation workshops in SEVEN countries
GREEN DANUBE aims to contribute to better integrated and coordinated policies for the further development of inland waterway transport. This goal should be reached with the elaboration of a Policy Agenda, which shall include all major project findings. The draft Agenda, including recommendations for policy orientation, assessment of existing policy and legislative framework, findings of specific project activities, such as air emissions assessment, was discussed and validated in the last months with the help of relevant stakeholders during national validation workshops, organised by the national project partners.
The objective for the following period is to have an international event, discussing the Agenda on Danube Regional basis – to validate the conclusions and finally to integrate the key project conclusions into the existing EU, national and regional policy and legislative framework.
Therefore, please save the date: International Policy Workshop with decision makers will be organised on 28 March 2019 in Budapest, Hungary.
Raising Public Awareness with the help of IWT Environmental Information Centres
All information centres have been developed and the project team organised perfectly the transnational pilot actions to test the established IWT EICs. Fixed centres have been established in Romania, Croatia and Serbia and a “mobile” information centre was built up and is deployed in Hungary to serve also Germany, Austria and Bulgaria. The facilitated cooperation actions at transnational level in those countries as well as the newly built up facilities in Romania, Croatia and Serbia are reaching constantly the goals of getting the message of environmental information, focusing on IWT, across the European society.
In ROMANIA, Lead Partner organized the IWT Environmental Information Centre (EIC) opening event on 9th November. Read more…
On 2nd October RSOE project team travelled to Varna, BULGARIA with the DunaPromo mobile Environmental Information Centre to raise public awareness on environmental aspects of inland navigation. Read more…
On December 7th, 2018 Environmental Information Centre pilot activity organized by project partner CRUP was held at their headquarters in Zagreb, CROATIA. Read more…
One prominent public personality visited our centre in SERBIA and declared that such actions are excellent occasions for the Djerdap National Park to raise awareness about the necessity of environment protection not only of the local population but also of tourists coming to Serbia from all over the world.To find out who this personality was, please click here.
GREEN DANUBE team would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a successful start into the new year!
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