NEWSLETTER, Issue 2, May 2018


DriDanube NEWSLETTER, Issue 2, May 2018


Dear readers,

Welcome to the second DriDanube newsletter!

In this issue you can learn more about:

  • the project's strategic relevance for the Danube region
  • the current status of drought management in the Danube region
  • the DriDanube project from our new promo-video
  • the reasons why drought impact assessment and forecasting matter and why we are building national drought impact reporting networks
  • the summary where we stand after one year of implementation
  • the events where DriDanube was presented and discussed

Let’s talk about drought


Let's talk about drought is the name of the new DriDanube video which puts focus on drought. Majority of people in the region still do not recognize the impacts of droughts and are not aware that droughts are becoming more frequent and intensive. Check this video and learn all about what DriDanube is doing to improve preparedness of the Danube region for the drought and its capacity to manage drought related risks better. 

To see more of our project videos, please check here.


DriDanube strategic relevance in the Danube region 


It is important for all Danube Transnational Programme projects to contribute to the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. Read this article and learn how DriDanube is contributing to the EUSDR Priority Area 4 and 5 and some other EU policies and strategies. 


Current status of drought management in the Danube region countries


The Strategy to improve drought emergency response in the Danube region is one of the key outputs of the DriDanube project. Its aim is to help improve the response before and during drought, to support a quicker recovery and to increase the preparedness for the next drought event. The Partners have started to work on their first steps toward developing the Strategy. For its preparation it was necessary to first collect information on the existing national and international legislative and institutional settings connected to drought risk management and water management in each of the participating countries. Read more in this article where the region stands (summarizing the Common report on existing drought management status in the Danube region).



We are happy to share with you the good news about the positive developments in drought management in our region that have resulted in the approval of the Slovak Drought Action Plan (“Value is Water”) by the Slovak Government in March 2018. Focusing on preventive, crisis and operational measures, the Plan contains concrete steps to combat the consequences of drought and water scarcity in Slovakia. Read more how the Slovak partners contributed to its preparation and about the attention of international media it caught.


Why drought impact assessment and forecasting matter?


In the 1st Newsletter we have introduced Work Package 3 which focuses on development of an innovative and interactive tool for drought monitoring and early warning, the Drought User Service (DUS).
In this issue we are presenting Work Package 4 focusing on the importance of unified drought impacts assessment and forecasting and the reasons why and how we are building the national drought impact reporting networks. 


One of the problems in drought management is the missing information about drought impacts across the region. How to get this type of information? How to prepare early estimates and warnings about the size of the impacts? Why is it important to collect drought impacts and prepare drought forecasts within the drought management cycle?
Get answers to these questions and learn what kind of information on drought impacts and forecasts will the stakeholders in the Danube region be soon able to access in this article.


National drought impact reporting networks


When it comes to monitoring drought we are usually missing timely information on what is exactly happening on the field, how the plants are affected, how serious the current impacts of drought are. For this reason, the entry data from the satellites and ground meteorological stations in DriDanube Drought User Service will be further validated by the field reporters who will report on the drought impacts in their own district.

All DriDanube partners are currently busy with establishing their national reporting networks on drought impacts. Read here what their experiences from this process are, what happens with the data collected from the field reporters and why this is a win-win situation for all of us.


Where do we stand after 1 year of implementation


We met in Belgrade in March 2018 for the third DriDanube project meeting connected also with the Regional training on Drought risk assessment. The training provided useful information for the preparation of the Country Risk Assessments for the project partners that will on regional level show the most vulnerable parts of the Danube region to drought. The event was also connected with the first year review from the side of the Danube Transnational Programme (DTP).
See here what are the conclusions about the project’s progress after discussions with DTP and feedback from the representatives from EUSDR PA5 and the International Sava River Basin Commission who also attended the events. 

More photos from DriDanube events can be found here.











Introduction of the project partners
In each issue of our Newsletter we would like to introduce you some of our project partners.
This time we are introducing:

Global Change Research Institute CAS (CzechGlobe)
Within the DriDanube project, the CzechGlobe is responsible for implementation of the Work Package 4 – Drought impact assessment.
The CzechGlobe is a public research institution, European center of excellence investigating the ongoing global change and its impact on the atmosphere, biosphere and human society through the use of the latest techniques and instrumentation. The research focuses primarily on the development of climate and its future scenarios, on the carbon cycle and the effects of changing conditions on the production and biodiversity of ecosystems and on the impacts on the future development and behaviour of our society. The integral part of the CzechGlobe are the activities aiming at the development of innovative technological processes, proposals of measures for adaptation and educational activities. The best part of the modern scientific research infrastructure was built with EU funds within the framework of the Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovation "CzechGlobe - Centre for the Study of Global Climate Change Impacts“. GCRI is the successor institution of the Global Change Research Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and it continues the 25-year long tradition of basic research on the issues of the global change, carbon cycle and ecophysiology of production processes in plants. Find more at

The Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMU)
SHMU is a state-subsidized organization responsible for the measurement, collection, processing and storage of hydrometeorological data. It provides information, expertise and analyses in the areas of meteorology, climatology, hydrology and air quality and also forecasts including warnings on dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena.  SHMU has a long track record of leading and participating in major national and international research projects. It is a member of several international organizations and takes part on their activities e.g. with WMO, EUMETSAT, IAHS, UNECE (Water Convention). It plays an important role in supporting the policy making strategies and standard setting activities, mainly in the process of the implementation of EU Directives and regulations. Find more at .

Meteorological and hydrological institute of Croatia (DHMZ)
DHMZ is the main state-subsidized institution responsible for meteorology and hydrology in Croatia. It supports the economic and sustainable development of Croatia and assists in protection of lives, goods and the environment by providing information on: weather, climate, hydrological and ecological events and climate extremes with the aim of mitigating their consequences in line with WMO recommendations and EU directives. DHMZ manages the meteorological and hydrological infrastructure, air quality monitoring infrastructure, as well as the national archives of meteorological, hydrological and other relevant data.
DHMZ activities include:
- Construction of infrastructure and measurement systems, as well as planning and maintenance of all kinds of meteorological and hydrological stations and air quality measurement stations
- Development and maintenance of various databases (meteorological, hydrological, air quality)
- Provision of information on meteorology, hydrology and air quality to users (warnings, analyses, forecasts, studies and surveys)
- Applied scientific research and development of methods designed to enhance the quality of information which DHMZ offers to its users
- Operational implementation of hailstorm defence
Find more at

Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS)
RHMSS, as a special organization within the state administration of the Republic of Serbia, performs the tasks of monitoring, research, analysing and forecasting of weather, climate and water, the activities of meteorological and hydrological support of air, land and river traffic, tasks of early warning and alerts against the occurrence of atmospheric and hydrological disasters and catastrophes, as well as other activities of the national hydrometeorological service - a public service important for preventive protection of human life, mitigation of material damage, and supporting the economic development. 
RHMSS also performs functions of the Sub-regional South East European Virtual Climate Change Center (SEEVCCC) and supports its development within the WMO Regional Association VI Regional Climate Center (WMO RA VI RCC) Network as well as WMO/WIS DCPC-Belgrade. Find more at

You can read more about our partners introduced in Newsletter #1 here.




Since the first Newsletter issue we have presented the DriDanube project at numerous national and international events. Let us mention at least the most interesting ones:

  • International Conference “River Basin Management and Extreme Hydrological Phenomena” in Vyhne, Slovakia (10-11 October 2017)
  • The 6th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region in Budapest, Hungary (18-19 October 2017)
    During the 6th EUSDR Annual Forum we participated at the Capitalisation event "Better water management for more connected and energy efficient Danube region" that provided a platform for identification of synergies and areas of cooperation for four projects focusing on specific aspect of water management: DriDanube, JOINTISZA, Danube Sediment and CAMARO-D.
    Read more here about the discussed possibilities for cooperation or watch this session that was streamed live on Facebook.
  • European Drought Observatory (EDO) User and Expert Meeting at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Ispra, Italy (9 November 2017)
  • 20th ICPDR Ordinary meeting in Vienna, Austria (13 December 2017)
  • Alpine Convention's Water Platform meeting and workshop on drought risk management in the Alpine region in Vienna, Austria (21-22 January 2018); read an article  
  • ICPDR Climate Change Adaptation workshop in Belgrade, Serbia (27 March 2018)
  • Copernicus Nutzbar Machen II in Vienna, Austria (4 April 2018)
  • WMO Technical Conference on Future Challenges & Opportunities in Agricultural Meteorology in Incheon, Korea (16 April 2018)
  • ICPDR Pressures & Measures Expert Group and Nutrient Task Group in Vienna, Austria (24 April 2018)
  • EODC Forum 2018 in Vienna, Austria (23-24 May 2018)
  • International Sava River Commission RBM Expert group meeting, Zagreb, Croatia (24-25 May, 2018)

Check here for the calendar of events we are planning to organize or get involved in.
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more information from the events.


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contact us


DriDanube Project Manager:
Andreja SUŠNIK
Phone: + 386 1 478 4073

DriDanube Communications Manager:
Phone: +421 905 518 348


Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)