
WELCOME TO 2018: our project IS ONE YEAR OLD!


The YOUMIG project has successfully entered its second year of operation in January 2018. Tackling the challenges of youth migration on a local level with scientists and statisticians working side-by-side has kept the international teams busy throughout 2017. YOUMIG held partner meetings in Budapest (March), Belgrade (July) and Regensburg (November) last year and is organising an open conference and a partner meeting in Vienna in May 2018. Each of those events are described in more detail here:


Budapest,    Belgrade,   Regensburg




In the first few months of the YOUMIG project partners began to work in groups and get organised about project tasks, which involve several tracks we call work packages. Municipal partners in Szeged (Hungary), Maribor (Slovenia), Sfantu Gheorge (Romania), Burgas, (Bulgaria), Rača-Bratislava (Slovakia), Kanjiza (Serbia) and Graz (Austria) organised local events in their towns which included a Migration Forum where local people and stakeholders engaged in a discussion of the key issues affecting their town.


interviews with experts, project leaders


Project Leader Ádám Dickmann            Thematic Expert Zoltán Csányi      IER Researcher Nada Stropnik


working paper no.1. WITH conceptual framework published


In order to create a ‘common language’ within the project, a Conceptual Framework was created to define the relevant terms, clarify its core concepts and evaluated challenges and potentials from a scientific point of view. The process of defining this common framework for the project started from the kick-off. A profound literature review and discussions and feedback from the partners have led to the now final framework, published as a working paper – the first paper of four in the series “YOUMIG Working Papers”.


Understanding the migration of youth in the Danube Region


Youth migration is not different from migration in other age groups in general, but some motivations are more pronounced for younger people than for others: besides education and labour-driven reasons, a the thirst for adventure plays a role in migration at the age between 15 and 34. With a revised version of the ‘push and pull model’ and a life course-specific perspective, the authors tried to explain all factors on the micro-, meso- and macro-level in order to understand why young people migrate. The conceptual framework offers a typology of youth migration which is relevant for the classification of migration in the case studies of the YOUMIG project.





7 local case studies were prepared by local experts


In the first year of the YOUMIG project extensive research was carried out at all seven partner localities, resulting in an analysis embracing many issues concerning youth migration. These local-level comprehensive case studies – titled “local status quo analyses” – represent cornerstones of YOUMIG project research and will enable municipalities to elaborate evidence-based strategies and policies to deal with the impact of the immigration, emigration and return migration of young people in the Danube region..


Youmig STUDY visits bring field evidence to project


Project partners are taking part in an activity which involves study visits from each municipal partner to a city of their choice. The destinations were chosen according to similarities in migration-related challenges or an interest in the target municipality’s methods and local knowledge on handling migration and youth-related issues. Participating teams got acquainted with solutions applied by other municipalities, witnessing improved service portfolios of other local governments in a transnational cooperation between local communities. Read more about these visits here:

Burgas to Vienna    Szeged to Subotica   Sf. Gheorghe to Salzburg


award-winning kanjiza calling screened locally


"There is a new, youthful kind of energy in Kanjiža, and it’s bringing about positive change." Young people come together and initiate workshops and exchange programs, community-driven volunteer actions, film clubs and conversations, design and implement EU projects. It is in this environment that the documentary Kanjiža Calling was made by the young local director Tamás Oláh. The premiere and a public forum was held on October 13, 2017. The audience was introduced to the YOUMIG project with a broad outline of the project’s activities. The film is available for viewing online.






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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)