Latest news about Danube SKILLS project


Latest news about Danube SKILLS project


Dear readers,


Welcome to Danube SKILLS second newsletter!


At the end of the first project year we are happy to share with you our first successful results, starting with our nomination as EUSDR Strategic Project, position which confirms Danube SKILLS’ impact and visibility for the European Strategy for the Danube Region, continuing with project consistent support for the dissemination of the new EU Directive on the recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation, highly appreciated by the promoters of the Directive, the European Commission and the European Committee for elaboration of standards in inland navigation and last but not the least the award “Best Project Website” granted by the Danube programme Joint Secretariat!


We thank you all for your interest in our project and invite you to read following pages with latest news on adoption of the EU Directive, information on project’s one-stop-shops and two interesting interviews kindly offered by Mr. Marcel Lohbeck  and Dr. Wolfgang Hönemann, representatives of the Association for European Inland Navigation and Waterways and Ms. Marija Radovanović, Senior Project Manager for the Youth Employment Promotion and also stay tuned for forthcoming project news…. we promise they will all provide most interesting reading!


Danube SKILLS One-Stop-Shops


The quality of public information services focusing on the Danube logistics sector varies widely between all ten riparian countries: therefore the main goal of Danube SKILLS is to create a uniform service level regarding the supply of data and information on Danube navigation. The strategy is to bundle information at one-stop-shops and to provide an easy and free of charge access for potential customers of Danube logistics services in order to foster a modal shift to inland waterway


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Latest news on the EU Directive on the recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation


The proposal of the European Commission for a new EU Directive on the recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation and repealing Council Directive 96/50/EC and Council Directive 91/672/EEC, launched on 18.02.2016 is slowly coming to a successful resolution, having received the overwhelming positive vote of the European Parliament during the Plenary Session on 14 November 2017 (609 pro, 31 against and 44 abstentions).  


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Interview with Marija Radovanović


Marija Radovanović, Senior Project Manager for the Youth Employment Promotion (YEP) project of the German Development Cooperation, implemented in Serbia by GIZ has kindly answered following questions of Danube SKILLS partner, School for Shipping, Shipbuilding and Hydro-Construction – SBBH.


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Interview with VBW representatives


Marcel Lohbeck, Managing Director of the Association for European Inland Navigation and Waterways in Duisburg (VBW, Germany) and Dr. Wolfgang Hönemann, German Representative of the Port of Rotterdam and chairman of VBW’s working committee on transport economics shared with Danube SKILLs partner, VIA DONAU, their experience related to VBW initiatives for fostering modal shift to inland waterway transport.

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GHIULER MANOLE- PROJECT MANAGER  Phone: +40 241 639595/ 2223


Mobile: +40 752 118 880

Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)